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在windows10 上装完 conda 之后,打开 cmd 想看看 conda 的版本,结果找不到,于是走上了解决之路,并做个简单的记录。 错误截图 问题原因 系统 path 环境没有进行设置。在 cmd 中启动,系统会先找到环境变量 path,根据其中内容找到对应启动程序,conda 才可以成功启动。conda.exe 文件存储在 conda\Scripts 下。 解决...
2. Add Anaconda To Your PATH Environment Variable During Installation The issue might occur if you don’t select the “Add Anaconda to my PATH environment variable” option during installation. Without this, Windows can’t find the conda command, leading to the “command not recogniz...
E.g.,conda install --name=python=3.12 zstddoes not work afterwards butconda activate python=3.12still does. (The prompt-handling on Windows doesn't seem to like the=in any case, apparently.) C:\conda\base-from-24.5.0>condabin\conda activate (base) C:\conda\base-from-24.5.0>conda inf...
Unicode characters in username lead to broken PATH in Anaconda Prompt under Windows 10ContinuumIO/anaconda-issues#10595 Open Sign up for freeto join this conversation on GitHub. Already have an account?Sign in to comment Labels backlogissue has been triaged but has not been earmarked for any up...
An unexpected error has occurred. Conda has prepared the above report.Upload did not complete. 具体如下: `$ D:\Software\Anaconda3\Path\Scripts\conda-script.py create -n PRE` environment variables: CIO_TEST=<not set> CONDA_DEFAULT_ENV=base CONDA_EXE=D:\Software\Anaconda3\Path\condabin\.....
Conda in Windows under MSYS2 and Zsh 的问题解决 在Window11上使用git bash 安装zsh,并配置p10k主题,主要问题就是prompt中无法显示conda env;conda activate/deactivate 命令不能正常使用; 总结其实就是一个核心问题,\r,\n,\r\n的区别; Errors likes these: ...
注:如果权限相关的错误,参考:无法加载文件C:\Users\xxx\Documents\WindowsPowerShell\profile.ps1,因为在此系统上禁止运行脚本-CSDN博客注意有的终端可能找不到命令,使用蓝色图标的终端。 设置修改powershell的配置文件,在终端中输入以下命令: if (!(Test-Path -Path $PROFILE )) { New-Item -Type File -Path ...
在Windows上,你可以在系统属性中的高级选项卡下找到环境变量设置;在macOS和Linux上,你可以在终端中使用echo $PATH命令来检查环境变量设置。 手动指定Python解释器路径:在PyCharm中,你可以尝试手动指定Python解释器的路径。在项目设置中,找到Python解释器部分,然后使用浏览按钮手动指定Python解释器的路径。