安装完成Anaconda之后,我们可以在Anaconda Prompt交互式窗口中通过“conda install 库名称”实现Python库的安装,但是有时候在运用该命令进行安装时会提示PackagesNotFoundError: The following packages are not available from current channels:的错误,现在以Pydap库的安装为例,提供在Windows系统下解决这种错误的方法。 图1...
今天在使用Anaconda激活python3.6环境的时候出现了如下错误: [zsq@localhost ~]$ conda activate python36CommandNotFoundError: Your shell has not been properly configured to use 'conda activate'.To initialize your shell, run $ conda init <SHELL_NAME>Currently supported shells are: - bash - fish - t...
汉化完成如下图选择添加python解释器: 七、最新版Pycharm报告“Conda executable is not found”的解决 在旧版的pycharm中通常能自动识别到conda的文件路径,并且解释器选择界面要复杂一些,如下图: 而新版的Pycharm需要手动导入环境,并且解释器选择被简化 如下图,从conda安装的根目录中找到Scripts文件夹,找到conda.exe文...
给出CommandNotFoundError的VSCodeconda激活碱基 、、 我的计算机上安装了Anaconda和Visual Studio Code。我默认的VS Code终端是Git Bash。当我在VSCode中打开一个新的终端时,它立即运行以下命令: C:/Users/ethan/AppData/Local/Continuum/anaconda3/Scripts/activatecondaIf using 'condaactiv ...
10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 1.1 首次激活环境报错: windows] CommandNotFoundError: Your shell has not been properly configured to use ‘conda activate‘ 解决方案: 先用activate ***(虚拟环境明) , 再使用conda activate *** 2.安装conda( Linux) ...
Windows 10: C:\Users<your-username>\Anaconda3\ macOS: /Users//anaconda3 for the shell install, ~/opt for the graphical install. Seeinstalling on macOS. Linux: /home//anaconda3 If your username includes spaces, as is common on Windows systems, you should not accept the default path. See...
While it's not absolutely necessary to run DeepLabCut, it can be very useful. To install the packages (including nb_conda), you can modify the environment file (conda-environments/DEEPLABCUT.yaml for Windows/Ubuntu/Intel-Mac users or conda-environments/DEEPLABCUT_M1.yaml for M1/M2 Mac users)...
bash: $'\r': command not found bash: /path_to_conda/Anaconda3/etc/profile.d/conda.sh: line 10: syntax error near unexpected token `$'\r'' 'ash: /path_to_conda/Anaconda3/etc/profile.d/conda.sh: line 10: `) I am guessing this is a syntax issue between bash and the Windows ...
On Windows, I get error: incomplete escape \U when %conda is used in the ipython console:Traceback %conda Traceback (most recent call last): Cell In[1], line 1 get_ipython().run_line_magic('conda', '') File ~\AppData\Local\spyder-6\envs\spyder-runtime\Lib\site-packages\...