I removed the .condarc file, then the conda commands started working. So I again created .condarc file and added proxy settings. Now the error is different as shown below: Solving environment: failed CondaHTTPError: HTTP 000 CONNECTION FAILED for url <https://repo.anaconda.com/pkgs/pro/noarc...
yep conda init always does, add that to the .zshrc file, I should have been more clear about that. I've deleted it multiple times and let conda init add it again, but did not help. I've also changed the location of the# >>> conda initialize >>>but that didn't really fix anythi...
I am trying to install the AI tools using the command generated by the AI Tools Selector page, but it is not working.The error makes it seem like the conda channels it is suggesting may be incorrect(?) $ conda install -c intel -c conda-forge --override-channels scikit-learn...
I have a fresh install of Intel Distribution for Python 2020.1 on Windows 10 and am running into the problem that "conda update" is not working. It fails on the Intel packages. e.g. "An error occurred while uninstalling package '<unknown>::intel-openmp-2020.0-intel_166'"....
This code is not working on IE8 at all. FF3 is executing but the page is blank and seems loading not ending. My code is: I want to let page load ad on ready. This works for me in FF3 and IE7: When you... The name 'InitializeComponent' doesn't exist in the current context ...
Hello again, you were right, now the busco -v and which busco commands is working. But when I'm trying to run this command: busco -i /home/nevosmic/analysis/assembly/scaffolds.fasta -o /home/nevosmic/analysis/annotationExample -l bacteria_odb10 -m genome --config /home/nevosmic/.cond...
The error I get both in my original code and in your code is as follows. Please notice that it re-occur even after adding !conda init bash and after restarting the notebook, as requested. What should I do to fix this? CommandNotFoundError: Yourshellhasnot been properly configuredtouse'...
and then run pip. This new environment can be tested before removing the old one. Again, it is primarily the “statefulness” of pip that causes problems – the more state that exists because of the order of installation of packages, the harder it will be to keep things working. ...
:PT_BR::local::lib.3 Installing /home/hakon/perl5/man/man3/POD2::DE::local::lib.3 Appending installation info to /home/hakon/perl5/lib/perl5/x86_64-linux-thread-multi/perllocal.pod HAARG/local-lib-2.000024.tar.gz /bin/make install -- OK local::lib is installed. You ...
("CONDA_COULD_URL", "https://conda.anaconda.org")WORKING_DIR=os.getenv("TUNASYNC_WORKING_DIR")CONDA_REPOS=("main","free","r","msys2")CONDA_ARCHES=("noarch","linux-64","win-64")CONDA_INSTALLER_ARCHES=("Linux-x86_64.sh","Windows-x86_64.exe")CONDA_CLOUD_REPOS=(# "conda-forge/...