NameError: name 'conda' is not defined 错误通常出现在尝试在Python脚本或交互式环境中直接运行 conda 命令时。conda 是一个用于管理Python包及其依赖关系的命令行工具,它不属于Python标准库的一部分,因此不能直接作为Python代码中的变量或函数使用。 以下是对该错误的详细解释及解决步骤: 解释错误含义: NameError...
在命令提示符(CMD)中输入 conda --version 命令时出现 NameError: name 'conda' is not defined 错误,通常意味着 Conda 没有被正确安装或环境变量没有正确配置。下面是一些可能的解决方案,帮助您解决这个问题: 检查Conda 是否已正确安装: 确保您已经安装了 Conda,并且其安装路径已添加到系统的环境变量中。您可以...
参考链接: 注:安装完成后,遇到一个问题,就是cmd中输入 conda --veision 查看版本信息,提示conda指令不存在,NameError: name 'conda' is not defined, 此时关闭cmd 重新打开再次输入conda --veision即可。
This code is not exhaustive or complete. It serves to distill our understanding of a collaborative, inclusive community culture. Please try to follow this code in spirit as much as in letter, to create a friendly and productive environment that enriches the conda Organization community. The conda...
Is conda Free? Dave Clements Can we summarize Conda: An Imagined Conversation Fiona: Iscondafree? Dave: Yes. Absolutely and always. F: Then why do some people say conda is not free? Where does this story come from? Conda Packages and the conda Ecosystem...
Reason: image not found 解决方式: 对于【Could not load conda plugin `conda-libmamba-solver`】 1.conda update -n base conda 2.conda install -n base conda-libmamba-solver 3.conda config --set experimental_solver libmamba 输出:CondaValueError: Key 'experimental_solver' is not a known primitiv...
java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: org.jdom.JDOMException I am getting the following error message when trying to load an rss page: The line of code which triggers the error is: I have googled this error message and read several postings about it, including ... ...
Fix bug variant variables were not defined for the first parsing pass of a recipe. (#5528) Fix a bug where variants were incorrectly found as being used when they matched a leading substring of another variant. (#5535) Fix a bug where variants were not found when variables were used inpin...
is not 0 Co-authored-by: Isuru Fernando<>4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions 4 recipe/patches/0005-Unvendor-openssl.patch Original file line numberDiff line numberDiff line change @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ From 71bf198e09615b89d2bd8367839b0ea8329de93c Mon Sep 17 00:00:...