conda install pyqt 或者,你也可以指定从anaconda频道安装(虽然通常conda install pyqt就足够了,因为它会自动从合适的频道安装): bash conda install -c anaconda pyqt5 注意:在参考信息中,有一个命令conda install -canacondapyqt5显然是错误的,因为-c和频道名anaconda之间应该有空格。 3. 执行安装命令 按下回...
1 pip install-i 五、添加工具包到系统变量 为了使系统识别PyQt工具包内的指令,我们将pyqt5-tools的安装目录加载到系统变量path中。参考如下:C:\Anaconda3\Lib\site-packages\pyqt5_tools 六、pycharm配置pyqt5 File->Settings->搜索external tools 配置参...
方案1.可以直接从官网,默认下载最新版本,19年3月27日为python3.7.1版本 方案2.清华镜像,速度快很多,找到对应版本即可 具体安装步骤参考博文:Anaconda的安装和详细介绍(带图文) ( ) 安装完成之后,在Anaconda里新建一个...
build: {} # create_default_packages: [] # croot: C:\Users\ngc13\conda-bld # custom_channels: # pkgs/main: pkgs/r: pkgs/msys2: pkgs/pro: custom_multichannels: # defaults: # -...
condainstall xxx:这种方式安装的库都会放在anaconda3/pkgs目录下,这样的好处就是,当在某个环境下已经...
3、Anaconda更新后出现两个Jupyter Notebook 4、采用pip install --upgrade pip更新pip时提示错误ERROR: Could not install packages due to an EnvironmentError: [WinError 5] 拒绝访问。: 'f:\\software_setup\\python\\python_setup\\scripts\\pip.exe'Consider using the `--user` option or check the per...
Install opencv:conda install -c conda-forge opencv Conda Info active environment:base active env location:/home/txxie/software/anaconda3 shell level:1 user config file:/home/txxie/.condarc populated config files:/home/txxie/.condarc conda version:23.7.3 ...
This is similar to issue#12570,#10259,#10512, and#9590but its not on one environment its all the whole Anaconda Navigator. Jupyter Notebook wasn't showing as installed when I came in yesterday so I clicked install and Anaconda started generating errors. ...
ps:ros系统python2.7与 python3.7安装 OpenCV有冲突所以使用anaconda创建虚拟环境,在虚拟环境中使用opencv-3.4.6 1. ubuntu 把pip也换成国内源 mkdir ~/.pip cd ~/.pip touch pip.conf sudo nano ~/.pip/pip.conf 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.