conda install --help # 显示帮助信息conda install requests -y # 安装requests包并自动确认 -c: 临时增加一个channel,且增加的channels会处于最高优先级conda install -c bioconda presto # 从bioconda channel安装presto包 -vv: 显示下载过程中的详细日志,便于问题定位conda install numpy -y -vv # 安装numpy...
conda install <package_name> # 命令示例 conda install --help # -y: yes conda install requests -y # -c: 临时增加一个 channel ,并且增加的 channels 会处于最高优先级 conda install -c bioconda presto # -vv: 显示下载过程中的详细日志,方便定位问题 conda install numpy -y -vv # 后台下载 nohu...
The pulsar community instead uses tools like tempo2 and PRESTO. Please look into using those tools for pulsar analysis. Pages 13 Home Automated builds and Azure Pipelines CI Build from Source (Developer Workflow) Contributing to the Fermitools Error Reporting Fermitools Roadmap ...