#brew install bash brew install coreutils brew install gawk brew install gnu-sed 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 其它镜像 还有其它镜像,如Perl的CPAN,Linux操作系统安装包,Linux操作系统自带包管理工具(yum/apt)的源,Docker镜像等。
#brew install bash brew install coreutils brew install gawk brew install gnu-sed 其它镜像 还有其它镜像,如Perl的CPAN,Linux操作系统安装包,Linux操作系统自带包管理工具(yum/apt)的源,Docker镜像等。
安装相应的gnu系列工具 #brew install bash brew install coreutils brew install gawk brew install gnu-sed 其它镜像 还有其它镜像,如Perl的CPAN,Linux操作系统安装包,Linux操作系统自带包管理工具(yum/apt)的源,Docker镜像等。
conda install -c bioconda samtools openssl=1.0 but when I do so i got this conflict error: > Found conflicts! Looking for incompatible packages. > This can take several minutes. Press CTRL-C to abort. > failed > > UnsatisfiableError: The following specifications were found to be incompatible...
timeout 命令是GNU coreutils 包的一部分,因此它预装在所有 GNU/Linux 系统中。...你可以传递参数数量,如 killsig、warnsig、killtime、warntime 等。它存在于基于 Debian 的系统的默认仓库中。...所以,你可以使用命令来安装它: $ sudo apt-get install timelimit 对于基于 Arch 的系统,它在 AUR 中存在。
ii coreutils 8.28-1ubuntu1 amd64 GNU core utilities RZachLamberty commentedon Oct 17, 2019 RZachLambertyon Oct 17, 2019 Author edited byRZachLamberty·Edits In attempting to reproduce this on a mac I discovered that I also cannot reproduce this problem on every platform -- just onaws ec2 ...
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/root/conda" > "${{targets.destdir}}"/root/.condarc update: enabled: true github: identifier: conda/conda test: pipeline: - runs: | conda --version conda init source /root/.bashrc conda install numpy conda create -n foo conda install -n foo numpy conda install -n foo --solver=class...
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