Once theconda-forgechannel has been enabled,cp2kcan be installed withconda: conda install cp2k or withmamba: mamba install cp2k It is possible to list all of the versions ofcp2kavailable on your platform withconda: conda search cp2k --channel conda-forge ...
home: https://github.com/robinzyb/cp2kdata summary: A Small Package to Postprocess Cp2k Output license: LGPL-3.0 robinzyb marked this conversation as resolved. Show resolved license_file: LICENSE doc_url: https://robinzyb.github.io/cp2kdata/intro.htmlextra...
问题是容器无法启动, 但容器配置文件又在容器里面, 我们该怎么办呢 ?...方法一: 把docker容器中的配置文件复制到主机中,然后在主机中修改,修改完成后再复制到docker容器中 1...复制docker容器的文件到主机中 docker cp [容器id]:docker容器中配置文件路径 主机路径 docker cp mysql:/etc/mysql/my.cnf /home...
运行conda install pytorch torchvision cudatoolkit=9.0 成功!!! 7月23日更新ubuntu下pytorch1.1安装方法(通过pip) 通过pip安装pytorch1.1非常简单。因为清华源中没有Pytorch1.1的安装包目标,所以需要下载好pytorch1.1的whl文件,可以去官网下载,或者从这里下载cuda10.0,Python3.6的安装包,提取码nb2k。 下载好之后同样我们...
pip install /usr/local/Ascend/ascend-toolkit/latest/lib64/hccl-*-py3-none-any.whl 安装MindSpore export MS_VERSION=2.1.1 pip install https://ms-release.obs.cn-north-4.myhuaweicloud.com/${MS_VERSION}/MindSpore/unified/aarch64/mindspore-${MS_VERSION/-/}-cp37-cp37m-linux_aarch64.whl -...
For custom configurations like what you want, create your own dummy version of the clang and clangxx packages that would satisfy the requirements and install them to the environment. Something like meta.yaml {% set version = "12.0.1" %} {% set build = 0 %} package: ...
I am trying to install the usaddress python library to my cloned arcgispro-py3 conda environment. I am entering the commands listed below to set up my environment
main (conda-forge/cp2k-feedstock#52) regro-cf-autotick-bot committed Aug 6, 2024 1 parent 9d24324 commit 1c2ac48 Showing 8 changed files with 40 additions and 9 deletions. Whitespace Ignore whitespace Split Unified .azure-pipelines azure-pipelines-linux.yml .ci_support linux_64_...
A conda-smithy repository for pycp2k. Contribute to conda-forge/pycp2k-feedstock development by creating an account on GitHub.
...你需要在虚拟环境中利用 pip install 再次安装配置后才能使用。...–python=python2.7指定Python的版本未系统已经安装了的Python2.7 3. env是建立的虚拟环境名称 4 .没有安装python2.7或者使用命令virtualenv –no-site-packages...现在你可以使用pip install xxx来安装你想要的库了。Note: activate.bat脚本...