1、退出环境 conda deactivate python --version command --help 查询用法 man command //克隆oldname环境为newname环境 conda create --name newname --clone oldname conda config --set auto_activate_base fal…
conda list --name $environment_name 创建一个python版本为x.x的新环境: conda create --name $environment_name python=x.x 激活一个环境: conda activate $environment_name #conda4.6之前的版本要用sourceactivate 断开一个环境:conda deactivate 显示已有的所有环境: conda info --envs Tip: --name可以用-...
The options above will permanently enable the 'conda' command, but they do NOT put conda's base (root) environment on PATH. To do so, run condaactivateinyourterminal,ortoputthebaseenvironmentonPATHpermanently,runcondaactivateinyourterminal,ortoputthebaseenvironmentonPATHpermanently,runecho "conda a...
后面仔细想想,发现是上次ssh连接该服务器使用conda activate python36命令激活环境后未使用conda deactivate退出环境就关闭终端导致的。 发现这个问题后,解决思路就比较明显了,重新激活一下环境就好了,具体操作如下: # 重新进入虚拟环境source activate# 退出虚拟环境conda deactivate 最后,重新执行conda activate python36,没...
CommandNotFoundError: Your shell hasnotbeen properly configuredtouse'condadeactivate'.Ifyour shellisBashora Bourne variant, enable condaforthe current userwith$ echo". /opt/anaconda3/etc/profile.d/conda.sh">> ~/.bashrcor,forallusers, enable condawith$ sudo ln -s /opt/anaconda3/etc/profile...
# To activate this environment, use## $ conda activate frog_test## To deactivate an active environment, use## $ conda deactivate这两句告诉我们:condaactivatefrog_test# 进入创建的虚拟环境condadeactivate# 退出虚拟环境 查看是否创建成功 C:\Users\Administrator>condaenvlist# conda environments:#base*...
CommandNotFoundError: Your shell has not been properly configured to use 'conda deactivate'. If your shell is Bash or a Bourne variant, enable conda for the current user with $ echo ". /opt/anaconda3/etc/profile.d/conda.sh" >> ~/.bashrc ...
echo 1>&2 "Please give command and environment." usage exit 1 fi if ! [ -z ${conda_path} ]; then export PATH=${conda_path}:${PATH} fi source activate ${environment} ${command_cmd} source deactivate ${environment} 1. 2.
It is easy to create a new environment using a command such as: conda create -n test python pip Then the prompt accurately indicates one should activate this environment using activate test (note this is not source activate test). However I can't seem to deactivate or change to other ...
conda参数 conda--help positional arguments:cleanRemoveunused packages and caches.configModifyconfiguration valuesin.condarc.Thisismodeled after the git config command.Writesto the user.condarc file(/home/cheng/.condarc)bydefault.createCreateanewconda environmentfroma list of specified packages.helpDisplaysa...