11. 12. 13. 14. 意思就是当前 shell 没激活conda activate命令,需要激活。 解决方法 激活命令 Windows:conda init <SHELL_NAME> SHELL_NAME 替换成当前的shell名称,比如 Windows 一般是conda init cmd Linux:一般是source activate 踩坑记录 曾经天真的我只运行了conda init,然后一直没激活成功。。
在Window11上使用git bash 安装zsh,并配置p10k主题,主要问题就是prompt中无法显示conda env;conda activate/deactivate 命令不能正常使用; 总结其实就是一个核心问题,\r,\n,\r\n的区别; Errors likes these: (eval):11: parse error near ^M \r被解析成了^M,导致路径错误,如下:/c/Users/joaom/Miniconda3...
windows下anaconda环境激活报错CommandNotFoundError: Your shell has not been properly configured to use ‘con_冲冲冲!-CSDN博客 不用管理员也可以,先输入activate,然后再用conda activate xx切换环境即可
目前,Anaconda拥有超过250+的数据科学工具包,conda工具包可用于Windows,MacOS和Linux三种平台的虚拟环境管理系统。Anaconda支持当前比较流行的一些人工智能的库,比如Sklearn,TensorFlow,Scipy。 下载安装包 直接去到Anaconda的官网,找到下载地址,点击Download按钮,然后找到页面最下方的下载部分。 我们可以看到Anaconda提供了两种...
安装了oh-my-zsh之后conda命令在终端中不可用。 二、原因分析 终端中zsh的可访问的程序一般放在/bin, /usr/bin, /usr/local/bin,~/bin目录下;而最新安装的Anaconda会默认安装在/Users/username下或者/Users/username/opt下,导致环境变量没有写入到终端配置文件。笔者的Anaconda默认被安装在了~/opt目录下,直接采用...
最近升级了macos系统,安装miniconda遇到问题,在终端输入 conda 指令报错:command not found: conda 笔者使用 指令 sudo vim ~/.bash_profile 发现 .bash_profile已经配置好conda path,内容如下: 代码语言:javascript 复制 (base)xshine@ShinedeMBP-742f~%sudo vim.bash_profilePassword:...# added by Miniconda34...
Linux error: "conda activate" fails because shell is not initialized Hi, After updating to conda 4.6.11, I'm getting this error when I try to build a recipe: CommandNotFoundError: Your shell has not been properly configured to use 'conda activate'. ...
Failed to link extracted packages error during Anaconda3 2023.03 Installation for Windows 11 · Issue #13182 · ContinuumIO/anaconda-issues 2. 配置环境 2.1 环境配置 添加环境变量 总共配置三个:anacond的安装地址,anacond的安装地址\cripts 和 anacond的安装地址\Library\bin ...
zsh: command not found: conda:( I've the config file setup too:export PATH="~/anaconda/bin:$PATH" ijstokes commentedon Jan 14, 2017 ijstokes on Jan 14, 2017 @modqhx take a look at#2911for a technique that may recover things for you. Note the comment that says after you've done...
If your username includes spaces, as is common on Windows systems, you should not accept the default path. See In what folder should I install Anaconda on Windows? I already have Python installed. Can I install Anaconda? You do not need to uninstall other Python installations or packages befo...