如果Anaconda已经安装,但仍然出现“command not found: conda”的错误,那么可能是因为Anaconda的路径没有添加到系统的环境变量中。可以通过以下步骤来解决这个问题:首先,打开WSL2的终端,并使用以下命令打开zsh配置文件: nano ~/.zshrc 在打开的文件中,找到最后一行,添加以下内容: export PATH="$HOME/opt/anaconda3/bi...
This file needs to be sourced for conda command to be available in PATH. As I am on windows with WSL, I can test and what I see is that in my ~/.bashrc file, I have this # If not running interactively, don't do anything case $- in *i*) ;; *) return;; esac That means ...
My personal suggestion would be to avoid using conda or to avoid using Windows.Spackhas superior ABI compatibility because it builds everything from source, althoughWindows support is still experimental. On Windows, you can install Linux via WSL and do things in Linux instead. Pip has also gotte...
Command nvidia-sminot found 在wsl系统中不支持nvidia-smi命令,可以改用nvidia-smi.exe命令 Command ‘nvidia-smi’ not found, but can be installed with: 在使用nvcc命令时,可能也会存在报错。可以尝试执行 /usr/local/cuda/bin/nvcc 试一下 Command ‘nvcc’ not found, but can be installed with: 这个...
The source could not be found, and the commands "conda" were also not found, repeated multiple times. While I am able to manually run conda.exe and conda after entering WSL from CMD, I am unable to do it automatically. Additionally, the command "wsl conda" cannot be executed from CMD ...
我正在WSL2上运行Ubuntu2.04。我已经使用conda安装了大部分软件包。我使用conda:"PipInConda_DKU“创建了一个虚拟环境,它是base的副本。我安装了pip,然后使用pip安装了打开的简历。最近,我在环境(基地)安装了火炬。有什么简单的方法可以让我更新另一个"PipInConda_DKU“呢? 浏览3提问于2021-01-09得票数 0 回...
(base)coder@192~%condausage:conda[-h][-V]command...conda is a toolformanaging and deploying applications,environments and packages.Options:positional arguments:command clean Remove unused packages and caches.compare Compare packages between conda environments.config Modify configuration valuesin.condarc....
去官网下载相关的版本和安装,需要注意的是如果是windows10的家庭版本电脑,安装docker之前需要先安装ubuntu和WSL2 2. 安装Seurat 4.02镜像 docker pull satijalab/seurat:4.0.2 3. 启动镜像 ## 首先要确定好你的工作目录,然后把其挂在到镜像里面 ## 这里到工作目录为:/Users/liji/PycharmProjects/docker_R ...
be identical. If you are using another shell there might be minimal changes. For example, in the following command, substitute Linux with MacOSX if you are on Mac. I won’t cover Windows, but it should be easy to translate the commands to the shell in Windows (or you can use theWSL...
a Linux machine (includingWSL2) an NVIDIA GPU andappropriate drivers installed(which you can check by runningnvidia-smi) condainstalled (for example throughminicondaor alternativelymambawhich is a faster drop in replacement). Then to install it you can run at a shell (you can switch the namete...