但是实际上如果我们真正的使用它来下载,会出现如下所示的错误提示信息: 2023-10-30T14:01:52 prefetch.2.8.0 sys: connection failed while opening file within cryptographic module - mbedtls_ssl_handshake returned -9984 ( X509 - Certificate verification failed, e.g. CRL, CA or signature check failed ...
Please check your environment for conda/pip conflicts using conda list, and fix the environment by ensuring only one version of each package is installed (conda preferred). Thank you Best regardsCollaborator xhochy commented Apr 17, 2021 Please post your conda list output. Author SylvainArd ...
近日,我已经通过conda-build[1]构建了deepmd-kit(含lammps模块)的conda packges[2],并用constructor[3]打包了离线安装包。下介绍安装方法及注意事项: 一、conda安装 安装conda后,使用以下命令安装GPU版: conda install deepmd-kit=*=*gpu lammps-dp=*=*gpu -c deepmodeling 将gpu改为cpu即可安装CPU版: conda ...
Stop using vendored chardet package by requests/pip; explicitly depend on charset_normalizer. (#13171) Introduce a new plugin hook, CondaHealthCheck, as part of conda doctor. (#13186) Include activate and deactivate in the --help command list. (#13191) Prioritize download of larger packages ...
conda: “The environment is inconsistent, please check the package plan carefully” 环境:Ubuntu16.04 + anaconda3 问题:更新conda后(估计是更新失败),使用conda安装包或者更新包的时候,出现以下错误 按照提示运行:conda update -n base -c defaults conda...
简介:如何解决 conda install 库时报错:The environment is inconsistent, please check the package plan carefully 在使用conda安装库时,遇到了这样的问题: 无论怎么安装都无法解决上述问题,本着可能是源的问题以及哪一步安装版本的问题,调试了一通后,解决了安装库失败的问题: ...
(num,unit,suffix)num/=1024.0return"%.2f%s%s"%(num,'Y', suffix)defmd5_check(file:Path,md5:str=None):returnTruem=hashlib.md5()withfile.open('rb') as f:whileTrue:buf=f.read(1*1024*1024)ifnotbuf:breakm.update(buf)returnm.hexdigest()==md5defsha256_check(file:Path,sha256:str=None...
-p, --packages Remove unused packages from writable package caches. WARNING: This does not check for packages installed using symlinks back to the package cache. -t, --tarballs Remove cached package tarballs. -f, --force-pkgs-dirs Remove *all* writable package caches. This option is not in...
-V, --version Show the conda version number and exit. conda commands available from other packages: content-trust env 2. snakemake 的安装 2.1 snakemake 安装 conda create -n snakemake_env python snakemake #创建一个名字为snakemake_env的虚拟环境,安装snakemake所需要的python3及snakemake ...
These are the major highlights of the 4.6 release. For more info on other features and fixes, including “conda run,” environment stacking, benchmarking, and links to how the aforementioned improvements have been made, please check the changelog:https://github.com/conda/conda/releases/tag/4.6...