conda create --clone path/to/the/nameless_env -n named_env 选项2:添加父目录 或者,您可以将相关环境的父目录添加到 envs_dirs 配置选项。 conda config --append envs_dirs /path/to/the/parent_dir 选项3:符号链接 另一种可能性是创建一个符号链接到 envs_dirs 文件夹到环境文件夹。它似乎有效,...
您可以将包含环境的目录位置添加到 conda 配置中,这会告诉 conda 在哪里“查找”环境,或者您可以通过传递路径直接激活环境。 假设您的 NAS 映射到驱动器号(例如 Z:)并且您的 conda 环境位于Z:/conda/envs/my_env,那么您可以通过以下方式将该位置添加到您的 conda 配置中: conda config --append envs_dirs Z...
conda config --append envs_dirs Z:/conda/envs Now when you can activate the environment using: conda activate my_env If you have another environment named my_env in a different directory, it will be first in the order. Alternatively, you can activate the environment directly by pass...
/usr/bin/env python3importhashlibimportjsonimportloggingimportosimporterrnoimportrandomimportshutilimportsubprocessasspimporttempfilefromemail.utilsimportparsedate_to_datetimefrompathlibimportPathfrompyqueryimportPyQueryaspqimportrequests DEFAULT_CONDA_REPO_BASE=""DEFAULT...
append/extend decorator @ cartopy cmaps datetime glob matplotlib colorbar & colormap multiprocessing pool netCDF4 os pyart re shutil sys time conda 环境与包管理 conda -V conda activate [env name] conda deactivate conda list 查看包的安装目录 conda env list/ conda info --env conda create 创建...
If the root dir is readable, append that to envs_dirs If the root dir is not readable, and the user has defined envs_dirs in ~/.condarc, use those if the root dir is not readable, and the user has not defined any envs_dirs, append ~/.conda/envs jerowe mentioned this issue No...
更新模块,将 HOME 变量设为目标用户的主目录python3.6-m pip install Biopython--no-cache-dir# Disable cacheexportPYTHONPATH=$PYTHONPATH:/path/to/module# 添加路径到python环境conda info--envs# 查看环境列表conda activateENV# 激活conda环境conda deactivateENV# 退出conda环境conda remove-nENV--all# 删除...
envs_dirs.append(prefix) forenvinenvs: env=str(env)# force `str` so that `os.path.join` doesn't fail forenvs_dirinenvs_dirs: # Make sure the environment is from one of the directory in # `envs_dirs` to avoid picking up environment from other ...
Append envs_dir:- your actual environment locations here to the end of .condarc file. 2.integrate conda into vs code There are two approaches ! 2.1 directly use our customised python environment set our customised python interpreter as the default one. ...
# 列出所有虚拟环境 conda env list # 创建虚拟环境 conda create -n name python=3.6 # 删除...