I am currently getting the exact same error message when using the commandconda activateto activate an environment, though since I am new to coding I'm hoping the solution is more simple than yours was. I had just installed Git Bash and Anaconda earlier that day, and hadn't changed anythin...
[zsq@localhost ~]$ conda activate python36CommandNotFoundError: Your shell has not been properly configured to use 'conda activate'.To initialize your shell, run $ conda init <SHELL_NAME>Currently supported shells are: - bash - fish - tcsh - xonsh - zsh - powershellSee 'conda init --he...
**虚拟环境从source activate变成conda activate 在.bashrc最后加上以下代码片,记得将’/home/xxx/anaconda3/bin/conda’其中的xxx改成自己的地址 然后就可直接用conda activate**虚拟环境,不用source activate啦...Conda 安装PIL失败 Conda 安装PIL失败 如题。 PIL只支持到python2,如果使用python3就会无法安装。
正常安装,一路y(yes)下去,问题解决,瞎折腾去吧~ 切换到虚拟环境时用conda指令conda activate,不再使用时用conda deactivate 附带一个改conda虚拟环境名的方法(方法比较暴力,但目前还没遇到有什么潜在问题) 在.conda文件中找到environments.txt文件,里面存储着虚拟环境的路径, 顺着待修改虚拟环境的路径把其所指文件夹...
PS D:\repos\PythonLearn> conda activate pytorch_ser 1. 尝试直接运行pytorch官网给出的conda安装命令,发现解析操作迟迟无法结束 Solving environment: failed with initial frozen solve. Retrying with flexible solve. Collecting package metadata (repodata.json): done ...
Error when trying to use conda on vs code: conda, At line:1 char:1 + conda activate base + ~~~ + CategoryInfo : ObjectNotFound: (conda:String) [], CommandNotFoundException + FullyQualifiedErrorId : CommandNotFoundException I have tried the fixes linked here: 'Conda' is not recognized...
conda-4.5.1 activate does not accept more than one argument: ('gpfs', 'home', 'USR', '3.695G', '100G', '110G', '0', 'none', '|', '31514', '40000', '3600000', '0', 'none', 'hpc-pr2.ib') 1 active environment : None shell level : 0 user config file : /gpfs/home...
3.输入conda create -n py37 pythnotallow=3.7,创建一个名字为py37的环境,指定python版本为3.7;-n和--name是一样的,一般地:--加较完整的名称,-加单个字母; 4.输入activate py37,激活(进入)环境py37;输入conda env list,可以看到已安装环境多了一个py37,并且当前所在环境切换为py37;而且环境py37的安装路...
a query languageforconda packages.See examples below.update Updates conda packages to the latest compatible version.upgrade Aliasforconda update.optional arguments:-h,--help Showthishelp message and exit.-V,--version Show the conda version number and exit.conda commands available from other packages...
python=3.6//(我安装的是python3.6x版本)创建labelme环境 activate labelme//激活labelme环境 conda install pyqt//安装pyqt包 conda install pillow//安装pillow包pip install labelme//安装labelme 如果报错,就需要更新pip版本 python -m pip install Ananconda包管理 install <packgenames> 一般情况下都可以正常...