. activate returns an error: No such file or directory, but weirdly enough - the command will work after deactivating the environment: Steps to reproduce: . activate conda_env_name Consequence This is actually affecting a error when using the jupyter extension: whenever I need to activate a v...
Create an environment, 'test' using Conda 4.4, open a new tab and directly activate that environment. Now try to invoke conda commands using any non shell program (lua/python/java/...) it will error out sayingconda: command not foundorNo such file or directorysince they can'texec()that...
解决方案 此时可以使用conda init命令进行复位修复: conda init source ~/anaconda3/etc/profile.d...
vim ~/.bashrc 这段代码是安装 anaconda 时自动配置环境变量生成的代码,注意检查目录全部是home2。 如果没有看到类似代码,直接在文件中添加一句export PATH="/home2/jyzhou/anaconda3/bin:$PATH",设置正确的环境变量。 检查是否刷新环境变量 改完or 检查完环境变量后,由于没有刷新,系统还是会按改之前的目录找,这...
conda activate env“没有这样的文件或目录” conda是一个开源的软件包管理系统和环境管理系统,用于安装和管理不同版本的软件包和依赖项。它可以帮助开发人员在不同的项目中创建和管理独立的环境,以确保项目之间的隔离和依赖项的一致性。 在使用conda时,"conda activate env"是用于激活名为"env"的环境的...
bash: /home/xxx/anaconda3/bin/conda: No such file or directory 检查path变量 echo $PATH 看一下环境变量中是否包含移动之后的文件目录,主要到*/anaconda3/bin这一层。如果没有,请在~/.bashrc中加上一句: export PATH="**/anaconda3/bin:$PATH" #前面填你的新目录 ...
. activate returns an error: No such file or directory, but weirdly enough - the command will work after deactivating the environment: Steps to reproduce: . activate conda_env_name Consequence This is actually affecting a error when using the jupyter extension: whenever I need to activate a ...
卸载了miniconda、删除了.bashrc检查了bash_profile后,安装了anaconda。输入conda的时候为什么报错的是miniconda的路径不存在(/root/miniconda3/bin/conda: No such file or directory)?还有哪里没有改完? 关注问题写回答 邀请回答 好问题 知乎· 1 个回答 · 2 关注 ...
root@xxx:/workspace# source ~/anaconda3/etc/profile.d/conda.sh bash: /root/anaconda3/etc/profile.d/conda.sh: No such file or directory root@xxx:/workspace# source /opt/conda/etc/profile.d/conda.sh root@xxx:/workspace# conda activate xxx 1. 2. 3. 4....
bcftools:errorwhileloading shared libraries:libcrypto.so.1.0.0:cannot open sharedobjectfile:Nosuch file or directory 好吧 那就先卸载当前bcftools,创建一个环境再安装指定版本的bcftools conda uninstall bcftools conda create-n bcftools_software conda activate bcftools_software ...