Wallace, Jessica, Tracey Covassin, and Meghan Lafevor (2016) Use of the stepwise progression return-to-play protocol following concussion among practicing athletic trainers. Journal of Sport and Health Science.Wallace, J., Covassin, T., & Lafevor, M. (2016). Use of the stepwise ...
Academics,Athletic Training,Concussion Blog Original,Concussions,CTE,Education,Neurocognitive Testing,Non-Sports Related,Post Concussion Syndrome,Prevention,Rehabilitation,Research,Return to Play#pinkTBI,Chris Giza,Chris Nowinski,Christine Baugh,Concussion Summit,Georgetown University,Jeff Bazarian,Katherine Snedake...
Until cleared by this independent physician, a player may not return to contact practice or play in an NFL game. Return-to-Participation Protocol To learn more about the Return to Participation Protocol, click here. Training, Collaboration and Standardized Care Sideline medical professio...
Tracy has cleared concussion protocol and is set to play in Week 9. A fifth-round rookie, Tracy has rushed for 376 yards with two touchdowns so far this season. he had 145 yards and a touchdown in last week’s loss to the Steelers. Notably, the Giants won’t have ...
These included number of days after injury until starting a graded return to play protocol (RTP start), returning to learn in full school (RTL), and symptom resolution (SR). SR was defined as the number of days after the injury when concussion-related symptoms returned to the preinjury ...
When can my child return to play or practice? Following physician evaluation, the return to activity process requires the athlete to be completely symptom free, after which time they would complete a step-wise protocol under the supervision of a licensed athletic trainer, coach or medical professio...
14 At the collegiate level, NCAA legislation passed in 2010 requires approval from a physician and/or physician designee before a student athlete may return to play.15 The YFSS and NATION protocols were reviewed and approved by Western Institutional Review Board (Puyallup, WA), and the NCAA ...
Is the content and duration of the graduated return to play protocol after concussion demanding enough? A challenge for Berlin 2016Is the content and duration of the graduated return to play protocol after concussion demanding enough? A challenge for Berlin 2016ConcussionRecovery...
return to play after a hit to the head. No significant difference was found in the number of symptoms correctly identified by youth athletes who had had their bell rung and those who had not. A significant difference was found in the ...
Telehealth interventions to prevent PPCS have demonstrated promising results and are likely to be cost-effective with regard to healthcare usage and return to work [19,20,21]. Furthermore, telehealth interventions may improve access to appropriate rehabilitation for people residing in remote and ...