java7中使用的是分段锁segment来保证线程安全的, Java8 的 ConcurrentHashMap不再使用 Segment 分段锁来保证并发写,而是使用 CAS 操作来保证线程安全的 还有一些方法上的不同
Concurrent variants that perform each of their operations in parallel (while still maintaining a predictable output order): concurrentForEach concurrentMap concurrentCompactMap concurrentFlatMap Both throwing and non-throwing versions of all of the above APIs are included. To learn more aboutmap,flatMap...
RxJava – Reactive Extensions for the JVM – a library for composing asynchronous and event-based programs using observable sequences for the Java VM. - Release v1.0.6: Merge pull request #2627 from akarnokd/FlatMapMaxConcurrent · dawei334/RxJava