Oracle Assets - Version and later: 11i/R12:FA: Concurrent Program FATRACE. Routine &ROUTINE received a return code of failure.
# 如何从 concurrent request id 找到 Oracle session id (sid) : 很多时候我们需要从 concurrent request 的request id 找到对应的 Oracle session id (sid),可以用下面的方法, 由此我们也可了解 concurrent manager 对应的 table 结构。 # 当前正在运行的 concurrent request: select request_id, controlling_manag...
# 如何从 concurrent request id 找到 Oracle session id (sid) : 很多时候我们需要从 concurrent request 的request id 找到对应的 Oracle session id (sid),可以用下面的方法, 由此我们也可了解 concurrent manager 对应的 table 结构。 # 当前正在运行的 concurrent request: select request_id, controlling_manag...
# 根据 <controlling_manager> 找到对应的<ORACLE_PROCESS_ID>: select OS_PROCESS_ID, ORACLE_PROCESS_ID from fnd_concurrent_processes where CONCURRENT_PROCESS_ID = <controlling_manager>; # 根据 <ORACLE_PROCESS_ID> 就知道 SID select a.sid ,b.spid from v$session a , v$process b where b.addr=...
Oracle Purchasing - Version 12.0.6 to 12.2 [Release 12 to 12.2] Oracle iProcurement - Version 11.5.9 to 12.2.4 [Release 11.5 to 12.2] Information in this document applies to any platform. iProcurement - Version: 11.5.9 to 12.0 GOAL ...
Cancel Request In Conurrent Manager Posted on February 27, 2013 in Application To Cancel Request In Oracle Apps using SqlPlus Command run the below Query : Update Fnd_Concurrent_Requests SET Phase_Code = ‘C’, Status_Code = ‘E’ Where Request_ID = ; Or you can Replace Retest_id with...
Oracle Concurrent Processing - Version 12.1.3 to 12.1.3 [Release 12.1]: R12 EBS : Concurrent Program Completed Warning and OPP Log Includes the Error as "Caused by:
Oracle Application 11i,Not Test in R12 Possible Reasons and Solutions --- 1.Check /etc/hosts file to verify it has correct syntax: <IP address> <hostname.domain> <hostname> and for one hostname don't have multiple entries. 2.Before...
NOTE:418926.1- How to Configure OTA For XML Gateway in Release 12.1 NOTE:1340493.1- How To Trace Performance Issues NOTE:281530.1- iProcurement Bulk Loader from an ATG/FND Perspective NOTE:419839.1- How to enable Apache, OC4J and OPMN logging in Oracle Applications R12 ...
Oracle Concurrent Processing - Version 12.1.3 to 12.2.7 [Release 12.1 to 12.2]: Concurrent Processing R12 : Error "Cannot read value from field PARAMETER.CONFIG" Whi