Concurrent Programming on Windows 作者: Joe Duffy 出版社: Addison-Wesley Professional副标题: Architecture, Principles, and Patterns出版年: 2008-11-7页数: 1008定价: USD 64.99装帧: PaperbackISBN: 9780321434821豆瓣评分 8.3 14人评价 5星 71.4% 4星 21.4% 3星 7.1% 2星 0.0% 1星 0.0% ...
Concurrent Programming Using The Disruptor 热度: Concurrent Programming onWindows aJoeDuffy AAddison-Wesley UpperSaddleRiver,NJ•Boston•Indianapolis•SanFrancisco NewYork•Toronto•Montreal•London•Munich•Paris•Madrid Capetown•Sydney•Tokyo•Singapore•MexicoCity ...
Windows#include后端开发 code 1#include<stdio.h> 2#include<windows.h> 3 4DWORD WINAPI MyThreadStart(LPVOID); 5 6intmain(intargc, wchar_t*argv[]) 7{ 8HANDLE hThread; 9DWORD dwThreadId; 10 11hThread=CreateThread(NULL, 120, 13&MyThreadStart, 14"Hello World", 150, 16&dwThreadId); ...
Concurrent Programming on Windows: Synchronization and TimeJoe Duffy
THROUGHOUT THE COURSE of this book, we’ve seen many platform services that enable concurrent programming on Windows. But as we also saw inChapter2,Synchronization and Time, the addition of concurrency to a program comes with many additional concerns. Concurrency is a double-edged sword: it can...
Concurrent Programming on Windows Vista 来自 喜欢 0 阅读量: 72 作者:J Duffy,H Sutter 摘要: My aim with this book is to write the book people will buy to understand how to write concurrent programs on the Windows and .NET platforms. This is clearly of increasing ...
There's two books that I highly recommend: Stephen Cleary's "Concurrency in C# Cookbook" and Joe Duffy's "Concurrent Programming on Windows." They both provide valuable, deep insight into concurrent programming in .NET.Learn more about this topic from Jason plus much, much more at Visual Stu...
Many books on advanced Windows programming cover these topics, but you have to map the C and C++ code examples given in these books to Delphi. To help you, this section presents an example that uses many of these features. Suppose you are writing a text editor and you want a single proc...
MaxConcurrentApi is a registry key which specifies the maximum number of simultaneous, logon-related, application programming interface (API) calls that can be transmitted across a secure channel at any one time.Location: HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\Netlogon\Parameter...
Harmony is a programming language designed for testing and experimenting with concurrent code. Harmony Installing Python3 Installing Graphviz Install Harmony via Pip For Windows Users For CS Deparment Linux Machine Users Adding Scripts to PATH Command-Line Harmony Harmony on VSCode Updating Harmony ...