of Oracle Workflow embedded in Oracle Applications. It submits an Oracle Applications concurrent program from your workflow process, but does not wait for it to execute or complete. Once this activity submits a concurrent request, the Workflow Engine continues with the next activity in the process...
The Execute Concurrent Program activity is available only in the version of Oracle Workflow embedded in Oracle Applications. It submits an Oracle Applications concurrent program from your workflow process and waits for it to complete, at which point it updates the status of the activity and returns...
## start concurrent program "WH1TEST" manually CONCSUB apps/apps SYSADMIN "System Administrator" SYSADMIN WAIT=N CONCURRENT FND WH1TEST PROGRAM_NAME="WH1TEST" select CONCURRENT_PROGRAM_NAME, PROGRAM_TYPE from fnd_concurrent_programs where concurrent_program_name likE '%WH1%'; === example 2: c ...
## start concurrent program "WH1TEST" manually CONCSUB apps/apps SYSADMIN "System Administrator" SYSADMIN WAIT=N CONCURRENT FND WH1TEST PROGRAM_NAME="WH1TEST" select CONCURRENT_PROGRAM_NAME, PROGRAM_TYPE from fnd_concurrent_programs where concurrent_program_name likE '%WH1%'; === example 2: c ...
9. This procedure is not supported by Oracle Support Services. This is just an example and will have to be adjusted for your own needs. SCOPE & APPLICATION: --- Technical Consultants, Apps DBA, DBA. Steps to create a custom concurrent program with Host method and pass parameters to the ...
ORA-06512: at "APPS.FND_FILE", line 364 ORA-06512: at "APPS.FND_FILE", line 421 ORA-06512: at line 7 Changes Database upgrade to 19c release. Cause In this Document My Oracle Support provides customers with access to over a million knowledge articles and a vibrant support community of...
Write a procedure that will submit the concurrent program whose output has to be sent as an Email and once the program completes, send the output as Email using UTL_MAIL.send_attach_varchar2. Register this procedure as a concurrent program so that this program can be run from Oracle Applicat...
Oracle Concurrent Processing - Version to 12.2 [Release 11.5 to 12.2]: Concurrent Manager Fails With ORA-25215 APPS.FND_CP_GSM_IPC
oracle,erp,ebs,concurrent,hostreport 一,创建表: XXUTS_HOST_CONCURRENT_TEST (a(300), b(300) ) 二,创建prog文件:(见:XXUTS_HOST_CONCURRENT_TEST.prog) #!/bin/ksh #--- ### #ProgramName:XXUTS_HOST_CONCURRENT_TEST.prog #Reference:N/A #Parameters:1-4.SystemParameters #...
系统标签: concurrent ebs oracle running request script PPTIANORACLEAPPSREPOSITORYTIANORACLEAPPSREPOSITORY 在路上...在路上... [[Script]LongRunningConcurrentRequestinOracleEBSScript]LongRunningConcurrentRequestinOracleEBS 分类:ScriptsOracleEBSConcurrentProgram2012-06-2912:3783人阅读评论(0)收藏举报 Lookingonhowto...