* uindex:username,Iemail // CREATE UNIQUE INDEX ON users (username,LOWER(email)) // email is lower because of 'I' meaning Insensitive for email * fk:... * size:50 (VARCHAR(50)) * check:... Int, Uint, Int64, Uint64 Fields: Without parameter * - (To Ignore a field) * ...
InDetectFilePathKindWindowsPath, the test skips execution on non-Windows platforms using a runtime check. Instead, use platform-specific test attributes to conditionally include or exclude the test, which makes the test intentions clearer. Apply this diff to use thePlatformSpecificattribute: +[Platfor...
import concurrent.futures def worker_process(i): return i * i # square the argument def main(): with concurrent.futures.ProcessPoolExecutor() as executor: futures = {executor.submit(worker_process, i): i for i in range(10)} for future in concurrent.futures.as_completed(futures): i = f...
The languages are nonuniform in the sense that the meaning of atomic statements generally depends on the current state. The first language, ja:math 1 , has parallel composition but no communication, whereas the second one, ja:math 2 , has CSP-like communications in addition. For each of ja...
in the brain, with HbT calculated as the sum of unmixed HbO and HbR components. Image reconstruction was performed with an iterative model-based algorithm featuring a non-negativity constraint to avoid negative image values with no physical meaning45,46,70. A voxel size of 100 × 100 ...
in some cases may affect the intended semantics of programs. A prominent example are optimizations that give up memory consistency to accelerate memory operations. Typically, such optimizations do not affect the meaning of sequential programs, but the situation is different for concurrent programs as ...
1d : getReceivedData() / ((double) getTotalData()); } @Override public String getProgressMessage() { return (Math.round(getProgress() * 1000d) / 10d) + "% " + FileUtils.byteCountToDisplaySize(getReceivedData()) + " / " + FileUtils.byteCountToDisplaySize(getTotalData()); } @...
Retrieval operations are nonblocking for performance reasons, meaning they can overlap with multiple concurrent updates. This means retrievals only reflect the results of the most recently completed update operations at the time the retrieval is executed. ...
Here is my code: while(query.next()) {if(!queues.isEmpty()) {/*This gives the Execption->*/for(CallQueue callQueue : queues) {if(callQueue.getType().equals(query.getString("KØ"))) {doubledecimalTime=query.getDouble("TID");inthourOfDay=(int)Math.round(24* decimalTime);intcall...
The benefit of a lack of order is that you can handle the data in any order without affecting the meaning of the structure. Your example actually illustrates this perfectly. If you specify no ordering, then the database is free to give you results as fast as it can produce them and is...