A task-based query execution model with priority-based scheduling allows for an effective prioritization of query classes. This paper discusses the impact of task granularity on responsiveness and throughput of an in-memory DBMS . We show that a larger task size for long running operators ...
where lv.lookup_type='CP_EXECUTION_METHOD_CODE' and language='US' order by 1; # 列出 concurrent program的种类对应的数量 select lv.meaning , count(*) from fnd_lookup_values lv, fnd_concurrent_programs cp where lv.lookup_type='CP_EXECUTION_METHOD_CODE' and language='US' and lv.lookup_co...
Finally the job_queue_processes parameter should be set to at least 4. If you want to fully utilize all of the system resources during the statistics gathering process but you don't plan to use parallel execution you should set the job_queue_processes to2* total number of CPU cores (this...
select lv.lookup_code, lv.meaning from fnd_lookup_values lv where lv.lookup_type='CP_EXECUTION_METHOD_CODE' and language='US' order by 1; # 列出 concurrent program的种类对应的数量 select lv.meaning , count(*) from fnd_lookup_values lv, fnd_concurrent_programs cp where lv.lookup_type='...
This process leads to increased testing costs in the execution phase and often weaker fault coverage. Most of the techniques in testing concurrent processes use the composition of control graphs known as the Communication Finite State Machine (CFSM) or the Communicating Extended Finite State Machine ...
In this paper, we discuss how to dynamically detect dead locks in concurrent Java programs at run-time, and propose a representation of synchronization waiting state in an execution of a Java program, which is named the Java Thread-Wait-For Graph. We explicitly define all types of dead locks...
fnd_concurrent_programs cp where lv.lookup_type='CP_EXECUTION_METHOD_CODE' and language='US' and lv.lookup_code=cp.execution_method_code group by lv.meaning order by 2; select cp.enabled_flag,lv.meaning , count(*) cp_count from fnd_lookup_values lv,fnd_concurrent_programs cp ...
The rule subsystems of active DBMSs: POSTGRES [33], Ariel [17], HiPAC [11], Starburst [36] and Alert [1] support prioriti...w11x L. Raschid, A simulation-based study on the concurrent execution of rules in a database environment, J. Parallel Distributed Computing 20 Z1994. 20-42...
A distributed database system allows concurrent execution of transactions from multiple users at multiple locations. This paper presents a general scheme of including the effect of interaction between such transactions in the design process of distributed databases. This scheme allows the decision maker ...
SecureDBaas that support the execution of concurrent and independent operations to the remote encrypted database from many geographically distributed clients. It is compatible with the most popular relational database servers, and it is applicable to different DBMS implementation. It provides guarantees ...