To Concur or Not To Concur; That is the Question: Decision-Making of Temporarily Appointed Judges to the Israeli Supreme CourtBlum, Binyamin
Local feeling does not necessarily concur with the press... 当地人的感受未必与媒体一致。英英释义 verb 1 happen simultaneously The two events coincided Synonym: coincide 2 be in accord;be in agreement We agreed on the terms of the settlement I can't agree with you! I hold with those ...
The meaning of CONCUR is to express agreement. How to use concur in a sentence. Synonym Discussion of Concur.
verb non·con·curˌnän-kən-ˈkər nonconcurred;nonconcurring;nonconcurs Synonyms ofnonconcur intransitive verb :to refuse or fail to concur nonconcurrence ˌnän-kən-ˈkər-ən(t)s -ˈkə-rən(t)s ...
14. If an academic body or a unit not authorized to confer academic degrees does not concur with a resolution or decision on the conferment of an academic degree, it may address its objection to the degree-conferring unit or the Academic Degrees Committee of the State Council, which shall st...
Definition of concur on (someone or something) in the Idioms Dictionary. concur on (someone or something) phrase. What does concur on (someone or something) expression mean? Definitions by the largest Idiom Dictionary.
Clearly some investors do notconcurwith his dismal analysis of the situation. 显然一些投资者不赞同他对形势的悲观分析。 The reportconcurred with his findings. 报告与他的研究结果吻合。 Thisconcurs with the view that free will and creativity are closely related. ...
Director-General does not concur with the Committee’s findings that there is overlap and insufficient coordination [...] 但总干事不同意委员会关 于联合国系统淡水问题的工作重叠、协调不够的结论,因为国际水文 计划是联合国系统内唯一处理淡水问题的科学计划,而且它与联合国全系统协...
英[kənˈkɜː(r)] v.同意;同时发生;合作 网络竞赛;的中文翻译及音标 过去式:concurred第三人称单数:concurs现在分词:concurring 同义词 反义词 v. agree,harmonize,correspond,coincide,see eye to eye 英汉 英英 网络释义 v. 1. 同意,一致 (with) ...
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