内容提示: AS 1379/Amdt 1/2000-02-01STANDARDS AUSTRALIAAmendment No. 1toAS 1379—1997Specification and supply of concreteREVISED TEXTThe 1997 edition of AS 1379 is amended as follows; the amendment should be inserted in the appropriateplace.SUMMARY: This Amendment applies to Clause
It was approved on behalf of the Council of Standards Australia on 11 April 2001. This Standard was published on 5 June 2001. 本澳大利亚标准由BD-002 混凝土结构委员会编制。并由该委员会代表澳大利亚标准委员会于2001 年 4 月11 日批准,于2001 年6 月5 日出版。 The following are represented on ...
“”.standards.au Alternatively,theprintedCatalogueprovidesinformationcurrentat1Januaryeachyear,andthe monthlymagazine,TheGlobalStandard,hasafulllistingofrevisionsandamendmentspublished AS3600-2001 3 eachmonth. 11 AustralianStandards TM andotherproductsandservicesdevelopedbyStandardsAustraliaare ...
“”.standards.au Alternatively,theprintedCatalogueprovidesinformationcurrentat1Januaryeachyear,andthe monthlymagazine,TheGlobalStandard,hasafulllistingofrevisionsandamendmentspublished AS3600-2001 3 eachmonth. 11 AustralianStandards TM andotherproductsandservicesdevelopedbyStandardsAustraliaare ...
Supplementary Cementitious Materials for Use with Portland and Blended Cement—Fly Ash; AS3582.1 Standards Australia: Sydney, Australia;2001. Tatro SB. Thermal properties. ASTM STP 169D–Significance of Tests and Properties of Concrete & Concrete-making Materials, West Conshohocken; 2006:226–237. ...
View PDFView articleView in ScopusGoogle Scholar [42] Htut T.N.S. Fracture processes in steel fibre reinforced concrete. PhD thesis. School of Civil and Environmental Engineering. The University of New South Wales, UNSW Sydney, Australia, 2010. http://dx.doi.org/https://doi.org/10.26190/un...
Standards Australia, Sydney, NSW. Google Scholar [5] AS 1012.17 - 1997 (R2014): Methods of testing concrete - Determination of the static chord modulus of elasticty and Poisson's ratio of concrete specimen. Standards Australia, Sydney, NSW. Google Scholar [6] ASTM C597-16 Standard Test ...
Similarly, case studies and project papers must highlight the relevance of the work described and summarise the lessons learned. As with research papers, they must also include relevant references to demonstrate how previous research and practice has been used. These references could be standards, co...
(StandardsAustralia,2018). Accordingly, rubberised concrete can be classified as lightweight concrete with higher rubber replacement levels. Elchalakani (2015) showed a reduction in rubberized concrete density with higher rubber replacement levels, particularly in high-strength concrete, where a non-...
A new method of building construction based on GFRG panels was developed in Australia and is widely used in Asian countries (Fig. 25.18). It combines the benefits of prefabricated, lightweight large panels with cavities, conventional cast-in-situ concrete and steel reinforcement, which require spec...