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paRleelrctfahollramtthtsahtaetshteahntihc"ickakncnceeesslsseoroafftIiTIoTZnZwzwaosnarese"prowerptheoednrttoesudbbetjaoebcboteuedta5tb~oo6t5uhµtem5p~e[62n59e]t.μrIamt tiiso[a2ns9so]uf.mIsteudilsphaassteum htatwbhigeeviifihtatwbgrticohiohetgeevrkyinirfegripthtao0Noictnoenshhetggh....
Field Verification of Standard Installation Direct Method for Concrete Pipe; Ohio Research Institute for Transportation and the Environment: Athens, OH, USA, 1988. 5. McGrath, T.J. Pipe-Soil Interactions during Backfill Placement. Ph.D. Thesis, University of Massachusetts, Amherst, MA, USA, ...
oAthneort hpoersspiboislistiyb iisli ty is tstshuhuererf faaaapcpceepp lalaiinnccaaddtt iippoorrnnoo totoeefcf cattasns ni itit nifnfrhrohiobmimbit iootorxo xyroygnoge ntneh.nt eh. ceocnocnrectree tseursfuarcfea, cweh, wichh ifcohrmfosr...