founded in 2011 as a Preschool to Grade 7 institution and has annually added the next higher grade level. The first high school graduation took place June 2017. Concordia International School Hanoi is a sister school with Concordia International School Shanghai and Hong Kong International School. ...
Concordia Hanoi is the latest addition to the LCMS family of schools, which has been active across the US since the 1860s. More recently, LCMS has opened two schools in Asia –Hong Kong International Schooland Concordia International School, Shanghai.In many ways, Concordia Hanoi is a typical...
Concordia全称为Concorida International School Shanghai, 翻译成中文是上海协和国际学校,校区位于上海浦东金桥碧云社区,是一所创建于1998年,招收幼儿园3岁至高中的一贯制外籍子女国际学校。无论从体系还是招生要求跟协和系双语学校是完全不一样的,当然也不受摇号政策限制 招生要求如下: Category 1: Foreign Families wi...
来自美国第二大私立教育系统,该系统涵盖有幼儿园、小学、初中、高中及大学遍布美国各个州,该校在亚洲还有另外两所姐妹学校:著名的香港国际学校(Hong Kong International School)和越南河内协和国际学校(Concordia International School Hanoi)。Concordia Shanghai是该系统至今在中国大陆开办的唯一一所国际...
The school organizer was invited to visit Hong Kong International School (Concordia system) again to further the discussion concerning the operation of the Concordia International School Ningbo. Dr. Michele, an expert from the Early Childhood Center at Concordia University, was invited to Ningbo to ...
*位于上海浦东金桥的上海协和国际学校(CISS—Concordia International School Shanghai)已被公认为协和教育系统在中国设立的最成功国际学校典范之一; *香港国际学校(Hong Kong International School ,简称HKIS)是在香港名声显赫的精英阶层中,深受欢迎、最希望子女入读的学校,如:香港首富李嘉诚的孙子; ...
Children of Hong Kong, Macau, and Taiwan residents (may have separate criteria). Children of Chinese citizens with foreign passports. What you need: Previous school records (if available). Proof of vaccinations and health certificates. Valid visa and residence permit. ...
Hong Kong Baptist University 香港浸会大学 Hong Kong Polytechnic University 香港理工大学 Hong Kong University of Science and Technology 香港科技大学 Lingnan University 岭南大学 日本 International Christian University 国际基督教大学 新...
In 2011, Concordia Hanoi was established in the tradition of the first two LCMS schools in Asia. Today, Concordia International School Shanghai has foundational and ongoing relationships with Hong Kong International School and Concordia International School Hanoi. These relationships provide opportunities ...
Application Procedures If you have any specific questions please contact us at +86 (0)574 8807 6699, or scan the QR code below to add our admissions officer as a WeChat friend. You can also visit our school for more information. We look forward to meeting you....