Acknowledgements The authors want to thank, child psychologist in CHC psychologist unit, PLUSS employees, preschools, and the families that have participated in the project. Thanks to Vlora Jashari Nyberg who did a pilot for this study in conjunction with her psychology thesis. Funding Open access...
Our findings differ from other research, which has suggested caregivers rate pain and symptoms more severely than patients [32–34]. It may be that at this stage of illness caregivers agree more with patients self ratings, or that the higher validity we found may be a feature of POS, which...
children on the autism spectrum, ranging from minimally verbal to typically fluent children, vocal codes incorporated sounds (e.g., whines), affective prosody (i.e., pitch, loudness, timbre, speech rate, and pauses), as well as words or content (i.e., meaning of words indicating distress...