Today's seminar was definitely a hit." "My colleagues at work just texted me and asked me if I am bored being stuck in a seminar. I texted them back telling them: 'Surprisingly not, even though I was expecting it to be just another boring waste of time seminar. I am actually ...
Q: Why does "Traditional Management Training" no longer work when you need to turn your managers into today's leaders? A: Traditional Management Training focuses on the "what": "what needs to be done" & "what are the processes to get things done". Traditional Management Training doe...
Today's seminar was definitely a hit." "My colleagues at work just texted me and asked me if I am bored being stuck in a seminar. I texted them back telling them: 'Surprisingly not, even though I was expecting it to be just another boring waste of time seminar. I am actually ...
Today's seminar was definitely a hit." "My colleagues at work just texted me and asked me if I am bored being stuck in a seminar. I texted them back telling them: 'Surprisingly not, even though I was expecting it to be just another boring waste of time seminar. I am actually ... +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ MoreComments from attendees: " I am 57 years old and I've attended a lot of seminars in my time. Today's seminar has been thebest,and I ...
‘Today the women met and the men met in the park.’ b. #Park-ta bugün kadın ve erkek-ler buluş-tu park-LOC today woman and man-PLU meet-PST ‘Today the women met and the men met in the park.’ The third interpretation for conjoined plurals is the symmetric interpretation, ...
2004. Derivations without the Activity Condition. In Perspectives on Phases MIT Working Papers in Linguistics 49. Edited by Martha McGinnis and Norvin Richards. Cambridge: MITWPL, pp. 287–310. Norris, Mark. 2014. A Theory of Nominal Concord. Ph.D. dissertation, UCSC, Santa Cruz, CA, USA...