When entering unfamiliar territory, surround it and attack; or 2. When already in such a place, spread out and form a defensive circle around where you find yourself. I remembered the reg had spoken of his platoon being repeatedly dropped by Chinook helicopter behind enemy lines, in territory...
wereonequalfootingintheirbraveryandbold- ness. 都展现出了不相上下的勇气和魄力 footing:/'futiŋ/n.站稳,立足点,立场,关系[化]脚子(糖浆下脚的结晶) bravery:/'breivәri/n.勇敢 boldness:/'boәldlinis/n.大胆,勇敢,冒失[计]醒目程度;鲜明度 ...
aThe research found that the predatory numbers, instantaneous attack rate, the max predatory numbers and searching efficiency all diminished after handling with different sublethal doses of pyridaben. 研究发现掠食性数字,瞬间攻击率,在处理和搜寻效率所有被减少的最大掠食性数字用不同的非杀生药量以后pyridaben...
It’s a great way for users on a budget to put an 4K monitor on their desk. Of course, you’ll need an expensive video card to run it at full resolution and speed, but there’s no avoiding that at this point in time. The Omen 27k is one of the best 4K monitors I’ve ...