我光知道lab report只是整合一下conclusion我能写8、9个小时,我不知道一个程序readme我要写近五个小时,我是说除开理解程序的时间,光是坐在那一个字一个字往txt里敲再加上改改就花了这么久;每一个守着冷掉的美式咖啡在冰冷被窝里发抖,咬紧牙关敲字的夜晚都在消耗我念大学的耐心()快进到(不用快进?)给spa...
· 总结与综合:直击研究问题!一个高质量的Conclusion,绝不是简单罗列研究发现,而是要“串联”不同观...
What is a suitable conclusion for a general osmosis and diffusion lab report?Homeostasis:Homeostasis is the maintenance and regulation of the biological processes of an organism. Homeostasis monitors the continuous operation of the body's internal conditions. It acts as a control-check ...
aThen. SH.lab inspected and disassembled the sample, and observed I.R., O.R. raceway and rollers surface by using of microscope, they all did not get wear, flaking, pitting on surface, details as per attached S.Lab-QR-RAD-12-24 inspection report and some pictures of No.14#-1, No....
A hypothesis is a conjecture upon which a researcher assumes a position or direction in which their work will demonstrate through carrying out their research design. This is tested through the scientific method to determine significance, ...
Why Almost Everything You’ve Learned About How to Do a Lab Report Conclusion Is Wrong Normally, an in depth analysis of findings is given in the conclusion section, including the explanations for not achieving the predicted outcome in the event the results did not satisfy the expectations. Any...
UNSWNB15 is created by establishing the synthetic environment at the UNSW cyber security lab. The key utilised IXIA tool, has provided the capability to generate a modern representative of the real modern normal and the synthetical abnormal network traffic in the synthetic environment. ] [总结自己...
UNSWNB15 is created by establishing the synthetic environment at the UNSW cyber security lab. The key utilised IXIA tool, has provided the capability to generate a modern representative of the real modern normal and the synthetical abnormal network traffic in the synthetic environment. ] [总结自己...