view was that the Commission was free to shift the emphasis back to the earlier conception of “disaster” as being a specific event, since it was embarking on the formulation of a legal instrument, which required a more concise and precise legal definition, as opposed to one that is more ...
This project has realized under the computer integration control to under the spherical surface roller automated survey and a scanning entire parameter evaluation, has realized to the bearing roller precision measurement, has provided the precise data basis for this kind of components following grad[tran...
When analyzing your word choice you might look to improve on simple adjectives like “good” and “bad.” You might analyze your verbs and swap in a more precise action. Or, you might even combine multiple sentences into one. With these changes in hand, your sentence will start to look ...
Think about strong verbs and precise nouns. Instead of saying "He walked quickly," try "He sprinted." The single word "sprinted" conveys more energy and immediacy. 5. Vary Your Sentence Structure: Don't get stuck in a rut of only using short sentences. Mix it up! Use...
concise, terse, succinct, laconic, summary, pithy, compendious mean very brief in statement or expression. concise suggests the removal of all that is superfluous
3 examples of clear and concise sentences Example sentence #1: When I started my own business, it has given me a whole new perspective to see the bigger picture when it comes to finding a work / life balance. Meaningful words in bold: ...
It is not meant to be a precise solution, but rather a starting point for your own research. Help me be more useful! Please leave a 👍 if this is helpful and 👎 if it is irrelevant. If you want to continue the conversation, start your reply with @dosu-bot. 👍 1 👎 1 ...
How to write clear and concise sentences >> The truth about wordiness I once knew an engineer who packed a bag as if it were a spreadsheet. Writing isn’t quite like that. No rule exists to tell us when writing is too wordy.
Height and cognitive ability While a positive correlation between body height and intelligence has been documented in studies stretching back at least a century (=-=Tanner 1979-=-), the precise links between height and 5cognition are still not well understood. Research on the determinants of ...
of course). Omitting unnecessary words can improve readability. In making an author’s work clearer and more concise, readers are able to tackle other issues, such as responding to the research or designing their own studies. Moreover, scientific writing should be as precise as possible to avoi...