Conch Facts: Habitat, Behavior, Profile Scientific Name: Lobatus gigas A queen conch (Lobatus gigas)is an invertebratemolluskthat produces what many people think of as the iconic seashell. This shell is often sold as a souvenir, and it's said you can hear the sound of ocean waves if you ...
Common name Queen conch Binomial name Aliger gigas Global conservation status Vulnerable Conservation status in TCI Declining population Distribution in TCI Somewhat common Maximum size 14 inches (350 mm) in shell length Several types of conch are found in the waters of the Turks and Caicos. In ...
Conch (k艔ngk, k艔nch, k么ngk), common name for certain marine gastropod mollusks having a heavy, spiral shell, the whorls of which overlap each other. In conchs the characteristic gastropod foot is reduced in size and the operculum, a horny plate located on the foot and used to seal ...
The common name for several species of large, colorful gastropod mollusks of the family Strombidae; the shell is used to make cameos and porcelain. McGraw-Hill Dictionary of Scientific & Technical Terms, 6E, Copyright © 2003 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. ...
Belk, D., 1989. Identification of species in the conchostracan genusEulimnadiaby egg shell morphology. J. crust. Biol. 9: 115–125. ArticleGoogle Scholar Bell, G., 1982. The Masterpiece of Nature: the evolution and genetics of sexuality. University of California Press, Berkeley and Los ...
In this paper, the conch ammonite fossils of similar structure and Angle of stone, but in terms of structure, much more progress than the corner stone. Mainly manifested in the enclosed space each room "partition", "partition" small room in the corner stone shell is simple, flat or slightly...
机译:Sarasota Shell Club的科学奖2月8日至10,2018 作者:Ron Bopp 期刊名称:《American Conchologist》 | 2019年第1期 关键词: Sarasota; Scientific; Awards; 9.Does stress come in cycles? Physiological performance of an invasive mussel 机译:压力是否有循环? 侵入式贻贝的生理性能 期刊名称:《American...