(redirected fromconcessionary) Dictionary Thesaurus Financial Encyclopedia CONCESSION. A grant. This word is frequently used in this sense when applied to grants made by the French and Spanish governments in Louisiana. A Law Dictionary, Adapted to the Constitution and Laws of the United States. By ...
Travel Aid is a pass that can allow you to buy adult half price bus tickets in Luton Customer services, Town Hall, George Street, Luton, Bedfordshire, LU1 2BQ. Tel: 01582 546000 - Luton Borough Council, Town Hall, George Street, Luton, Bedfordshire, England, LU1 2BQ. Tel: (01582) 546...
Example value: Argleton What it is: The colliquial phrasing of the area that the council serves. Where it's used: Whereever the service talks generally about where a user should live. eg "You're eligible for a bus pass in {{council.shortName}}." parkingBoundary Example value: Argleton...