In this occasion, the saxophonist had a ‘Tenor Sax’ which had a really strong sound and the characteristic of a really low pitch. Also, we had the Bass, another very common instrument in jazz history. This bass was always giving us that background sound along with the piano when the ...
For Star Trek, the French horn was the meledoic and defining instrument, this piece however wasn’t categorized as jazz, but rather pop. Soul Bossa Nova had a swing style with as the top layer and highes pitch instrument of the piece. In the middle section of the concert they had what...
This songs included a lot of saxophones solos from alto sax to baritone sax. The trumpet also played a big part to for solo, this piece they did lot of crescendos as well as decrescendos. It gave a more bold jazz feeling which I really enjoyed. Last but not least the NMSU jazz I ...