Frantz Fanon, "Concerning Violence," in The Wretched of the Earth (New York: Grove Press, 1963), 35-106, on 38.Frantz Fanon, "Concerning Violence." The Wretched of the Earth. Trans. Constance Farrington. New York: Grove, 1963: 35-106. ___. "The Pitfalls of National Consciousness."...
Daiva Stasiulis and Nira Yuval-Davis, eds., Unsettling Settler Societies: Artic- ulations of Gender, Race, Ethnicity and Class (London, 1995); Udo Krautwurst, "What is Settler Colonialism? An Anthropological Meditation on Frantz Fanon's `Concerning Violence'," History and Anthropology 14, no...
Udo Krautwurst, "What is Settler Colonialism? An Anthropological Meditation on Frantz Fanon's `Concerning Violence'" (History and Anthropology 14.1, 2003), 55-72; Francesca Merlan, "Reply to Patrick Wolfe" (Social Analysis 40, 1997), 10-19; Elizabeth Povinelli, "Reading Ruptures, Rupturing ...