Conceptual Framework for Measuring Project Benefits Using Belief—Plausibility and Type 1 Fuzzy Inference SystemWe propose a combination of belief and plausibility (Bl–Pl) and Type 1 fuzzy inference system (FIS) methods to measure benefits realization in this reserach. This approach can help line ...
Fitzpatrick R and Hopkins A, Problems in the conceptual frame- work of patient satisfaction research: an empirical exploration, Sociol- ogy of Health & Illness, 1983, 5(3):297-311.Fitzpatrick, R. and Hopkins, A. (1983), "A problem in the conceptual framework of patient satisfaction ...
BeliefPlausibility Fuzzy inference systemsWe propose a combination of belief and plausibility (Bl-Pl) and Type 1 fuzzy inference system (FIS) methods to measure benefits realization in this reserach. This approach can help line managers trace the project outcomes and validate the benefits and return...
A conceptual framework for reserach on self-regulated learningBeishuizen, JSteffens, K