natural law,law- aruleorbodyofrulesofconductinherentinhumannatureandessentialto orbindinguponhumansociety law of nature,law- ageneralizationthatdescribesrecurringfactsoreventsinnature;"thelawsofthermodynamics" lexicalized concept- aconceptthatisexpressedby aword(insomeparticularlanguage) ...
Almost all principles of international environmental law are used in order to proof the concept of sustainable development: Sovereignty principle over natural resources, principle of commitment to collaboration, informing and assistance in environmental emergency situations, The principle of protection and pre...
Natural LawFinnisLegal PhilosophyLogicMedieval PhilosophyPhilosophy Of MathematicsJohn Finnis's natural law theory is widely influential, particularly among conservative Catholic legal scholars. Finnis, who was the advisor for Neil Gorsuch'sSocial Science Electronic Publishing...
But whatever the principle in terms of which the area of non-interference is to be drawn, whether it is that of natural law or natural rights, or of utility or the pronouncements of a categorical imperative, or the sanctity of the social contract, or any other concept with which men have...
1) concepts about law 法律的概念1. This article mainly discusses his most outstanding thought:the concepts about law and "the natural law with the lowest limitation content", which is expected to disclose the quintessence of Hart s ideas of law. 哈特以其精湛的法律思想饮誉西方法理学界 ,本文...
and, more particularly, real powers stemming from a limitation of sovereignty or a transfer of powers from the States to the Community, the member States have limited their sovereign rights, albeit within limited fields, and havethuscreatedabody of law which binds both their nationals and ...
Natural law: law higher than man-made law, i.e. moral standards derived from the nature of human beings and the nature of the world.自然法:高于人为法的法律,主要是从人的本性及世界的本质得出的道德标准。Precedence: a principle that where there have been similar cases the court will look at...
Theconceptsof radiant emittance and of irradiance are complementary. 辐射的发射强度和辐照度是两个互补的概念. 辞典例句 He also criticized theconcepts, methods, and goals of the bookish scholars. 他也批判了书呆子的概念 、 方法和目标. 辞典例句 ...
First, consider grounding as a fundamental constraint on the range of our cognitive activities. The human body is a physical object that has been exposed to and shaped by natural laws, including physical forces such as gravity and radiation, as well as biological forces such as sexual selection...