of the literary work. Trenchant investigation of such significant critical concepts as baroque, romanticism, and realism are complemented by illuminating surveys of the current state of literary criticism and related commentaries on contemporary literary theory and scholarship. Concepts of Criticism constitute...
Critical theory, for the non-specialist outside academia, can represent the antithesis of accessibility. It is interdisciplinary, necessarily given to abstraction and populated by a gauntlet of intellectuals like Jacques Lacan and Slavoj Zizek, whose communication styles, references, density of allusions...
1993. Democracy: key concepts in critical theory. Atlantic Highlands, New Jersey, Estados Unidos, Humanities Press.GREEN, Philip (Ed.) (1993), Democracy. Key Concepts in Critical Theory, New Jersey: HumanitiesGreen P: Key concept in critical theory. Democracy. Humanities Press. New Jersey. ...
Trenchant investigation of such significant critical concepts as baroque, romanticism, and realism are complemented by illuminating surveys of the current state of literary criticism and related commentaries on contemporary literary theory and scholarship. "Concepts of Criticism "constitutes a valuable ...
exercised and how individuals negotiate their environments; (5) what affects organizational performance; and (6) how the increasingly managerial orientation in the field has stimulated a critical-theory reaction, and what such a critical perspective can add to the understanding of organizational life. ...
His criticism of my concepts, particularly of the central concept of powers, is so wide of the mark that one wonders about his concept of criticism. The puzzle is how he can pronounce with such assurance his grave charges that my thought is confused and misleading. The answer I shall ...
Considering the frame problem motivates the need to gain a better understanding of how heuristics work and the cognitive structures over which they oper- ate. I develop a general theory of cognition which I argue underwrites the heuristic operations that concern this dissertation. I argue that ...
The basic concepts in the theory of critical phenomena are developed for fluid one-component systems. Only in the last section other critical phenomena are discussed. In the first part thermodynamic theory is reviewed. In the second part, by inserting the thermodynamic result into the compressibility...
Not least this is because of its conflation of quantitative methods with a traditional conception of theory that sits oddly with her call for greater policy and political involvement. Such concerns are better served by the theoretical traditions and practices of critical theory and political economy....
This set of volumes sketches the history, breadth, and applicability of narrative theory, thus demonstrating its value as an analytical instrument. The collection includes articles from the leading names of narrative theory, such as Roland Barthes, Mikhail Bakhtin, Tzvetan Todorov and Jean-Franoise Ly...