Explain The Effects Of Challenging Behaviour As I am going to do work experience within Northfields School and will come across individuals who have learning difficulties and may display challenging behaviours such as verbal abuse. However‚ I will be able to use the five strategies I have cho...
The A-Z format allows you to "dip in" and quickly find relevant information on topics ranging from Autism to Rights and from Advocacy to Challenging Behaviours. Each entry features: - a snapshot definition of the concept; - a broader discussion of the main issues and applications to practice...
However, reordering the KCs may also result in several KCs of varying complexity appearing consecutively, which could be challenging for participants. Additionally, a potential limitation is that while we are confident that our training was comprehensive, we did not assess participants' understanding of...
According to this model, learners advance through five levels of thought in geometry: Visualisation, Analytic, Abstraction, Deduction, Rigor (Van Hiele, 1999; Fujita & Jones, 2007). This model is generally considered to be useful for describing learners' behaviours in geometry. The Van Hiele ...
(e.g., practitioners) to access and apply evidence. However, doing KMb can be challenging for these groups without effective support and training. Therefore, individuals and organizations are undertaking capacity development interventions to facilitate the KMb process with more effective support ...
It is restricted to the concept being acquired, changes how the learner perceives it and fits within related bodies of knowledge and how to think about them (Meyer and Land, 2003). While challenging to acquire, once a threshold concept is mastered, it transforms learners’ perceptions of ...
Continuityis the opposite of change. It is where things stay more or less the same. Historians are interested in change but they are mindful that not everything changes. Even during a period of great upheaval, some institutions, traditions, ideas and human behaviours will remain constant. ...
behaviours, but have largely ignored psychological phenomena. Subsequent researchers have tried to overcome the limitations of behaviourism and have therefore focused strongly on psychological phenomena and on individuals’ representations of their world, but behaviour has faded into the background. The ...
Identifying differentially expressed genes (DEGs) is a core task of transcriptome analysis, as DEGs can reveal the molecular mechanisms underlying biological processes. However, interpreting the biological significance of large DEG lists is challenging. Currently, gene ontology, pathway enrichment and protei...
We evaluate the diverse properties of Pix2Code on the challenging reasoning domains, Kandinsky Patterns and CURI, thereby testing its ability to identify compositional visual concepts that generalize to novel data and concept configurations. Particularly, in stark contrast to neural approaches, we show ...