LA EVOLUCIN DEL CONCEPTO DE PERSONA EN EL DERECHO CIVIL ESPAOL: ANTROPOLOGA SUBYACENTEdoi:10.46553/prudentia.95.2023.pp.93-122PROPERTY rightsCIVIL lawFREE will & determinismANTHROPOLOGYDIGNITYThis article analyzes the evolution of the concept of person in Spanish ...
Tienen Todos Derecho a La Vida? Bases Para Un Concepto Constitucional De Persona (Does Everyone Have the Right to Life? Basis for a Constitutional Concept of Person)Criminal lawUnborn ChildPersonThe concept of a person who presuppose both the Spanish Constitution, as well as the civil and ...
¿Tienen todos derecho a la vida? Bases para un concepto constitucional de persona, ArtículoThe concept of a person who presuppose both the Spanish Constitution, as well as the civil and criminal codes is weak. It is insufficient to fulfill the functions that the law requires, having been ...