In this paper, I position the concept of Hybrid Human-AI Regulation and illustrate this with an example of a first prototype of a Hybrid Human-AI Regulation (HHAIR) system. HHAIR supports self-regulated learning (SRL) in the context of adaptive learning technologies (ALTs) with the aim to...
The app featured in this paper consists of four main parts. The app starts with a video of algal blooms around the world, as seen from the ISS, to introduce the AR functionality with a simple interaction—pressing a play button. It is included as a simple video overlay on an image tar...
The remaining sections of the research paper are arranged as follows. A summarized analysis of related work is presented in the literature review. The proposed EC-DOC scheme is discussed in detail in the methodology section. A detailed discussion of the proposed methodology is provided in the disc...
“under God” was added to the Pledge of Allegiance; that the National Day of Prayer was signed into law and the National Prayer Breakfast established; and that “In God We Trust” began to appear not only on coins but also on stamps and paper money, while also being officially recognized...