The concept of social geographySocialism and societyNo abstract availabledoi:10.1007/BF00149036K. RuppertD. Reidel Publishing CompanyGeojournal
The social and economic components of sustainability, however, get less scientific attention and are often ignored in political andreligious circles. Emphasis is on the symptoms of the issue rather than on coping strategies. Are the growing population numbers and social discrepancies compatible with ...
of the concept of super-organism.The correct using of the method of causal analysis,the different usability of the concept of super-organism in the studies of different scales of the cultural landscapes or different social perspectives are the major questions discussed in this paper.Some case ...
Adequate self-esteem is a necessary but not a sufficient condition of adequate identity. What is important is the way in which global identity integrates both past and present experiences, particularly in adolescence, in ways which enable the individual to maximise his potential. Obviously social ...
Journal of Kirsehir Education FacultyO¨ ztu¨ rk C¸ . (2007) Metaphor status about the concept of `geography' of prospective social science, science and classroom teachers. Ahi Evran University, Kirs¸ ehir Education Faculty Journal (KEFAD) 8(2), 55-69....
of the social world [57]. As Patricia Hill Collins and Sirma Bilge [57] frame it: “Intersectionality is a way of understanding and explaining complexity in the world, in people and in human experiences”. These experiences are shaped “by the interaction of social locations (e.g. ‘race...
Malaysian port cities as open frontiers have been well-known for ethnic, linguistic, and religious diversity, providing rich materials for the study of social dynamism though the power of nation-building processes transformed them into national territories, reconfiguring regional and transnational connection...
An innovation that this risk perception approach brought to geography, to the study of natural hazards, and to social science generally, was the incorporation of a variety of psychological tests into fieldwork. In the 1970s, the hazard perception paradigm was tested in some low income,...
This study aims to develop a Flood Disaster Resilience Index (FDRI), as an attempt to measure the level of communities' resilience in mega coastal cities. The FDRI is developed on five resilience-based capitals: Governance, Economic, Natural, Physical and Social. Alexandria in Egypt and Jakarta...
Rongxian: to solve the Three Rural Issues and make overall plans of urban-rural development;to change the ways of openning up and growth and develop recycling economy;to rejuvenate the county through science and education and stregthen the construction of sanitation,recreational and physical ...