(Anschaulichkeit) of physical theories in response to E. Schrdinger.Feyerabend's historical examples suggest that visualizability is a time-conditioned concept.Gives a rare insights into the discussions of the Third Vienna Circle.Documents Feyerabend's early philosophical interest as a physicist-to-...
Dunne's demonstration that time as it is used in physics, is a mathematical device which is justified because, and to the extent that, it is adapted to the interpretation of experience, one of the most valuable parts of his book. It seems to me inadmissible to deduce qualities of ...
See Niels Bohr, “Causality and Complementarity,” in Timothy Ferris, ed., The World Treasury of Physics, Astronomy, and Mathematics (Boston: Little, Brown and Company, 1991), pp. 801–807. Google Scholar Ibid. This perspective is known as the indeterminacy principle. Google Scholar Ibid. ...
The concept ofsimilar systemsarose in physics and appears to have originated with Newton in the seventeenth century. This chapter provides a critical history of the concept ofphysically similar systems, the twentieth century concept into which it developed. The concept was used in the nineteenth cent...
Nature Reviews Physics3,207–223 (2021)Cite this article 8373Accesses 246Citations 13Altmetric Metrics Abstract The competition between resolution and the imaging field of view is a long-standing problem in traditional imaging systems — they can produce either an image of a small area with fine ...
The process development by IFP Energies nouvelles (IFPEN)/ENI/Axens of a Fischer-Tropsch process is described. This development is based on upstream process studies to choose the process scheme, reactor technology and operating conditions, and downstream
“the meaning of decentralization” [ 1 ]. almost 50 years later, schneider states that decentralization “is called for far more than it is theorized or consistently defined” [ 2 ]. (de)centralization (i.e., either decentralization or its counterpart centralization ) has indeed become almost...
Force_Concept_Inventory书籍.pdf,Published in: The Physics Teacher, Vol. 30, March 1992, 141-158 Force Concept Inventory David Hestenes, Malcolm Wells, and Gregg Swackhamer Every student begins physics with a well-established system of commonsense beliefs
I can imagine they would be biased by things they have seen recently or whatever, but I think when you actually come to build things, then the physics of the world kicks in, and you can't really cheat that stuff. You can try your best but it's something that either will work or ...
All SectionsArchitectural Design, Urban Science, and Real EstateBuilding Energy, Physics, Environment, and SystemsBuilding Materials, and Repair & RenovationBuilding StructuresConstruction Management, and Computers & DigitizationGeneral All Special IssuesBuildings: 10th AnniversaryA Compendium of the Latest Deve...