concept of operations Also found in:Acronyms,Wikipedia. A verbal or graphic statement, in broad outline, of a commander's assumptions or intent in regard to an operation or series of operations. The concept of operations frequently is embodied in campaign plans and operation plans; in the latter...
Army Training and Doctrine Command (TRADOC), 4 April 2007.FedRAMP Concept of Operations (CONOPS). . 2012Knowledge & Development Centre Mainport Schiphol, Concept of operation (CONOPS), "Speed and Route Advisor (SARA)", KDC/2007/...
US Army Topographic Engineering Center (1992a). Image Exploitation System Concept of Operations (CONOPS).Martin L (2011) Core system concept of operations (conops). Tech. rep., US Department of Transportation, Research and Innovative Technology Administration - USDOT RITA, Washington, DC. http:/...
Define Concept of self. Concept of self synonyms, Concept of self pronunciation, Concept of self translation, English dictionary definition of Concept of self. n. The mental image or perception that one has of oneself. American Heritage® Dictionary of
This in turn gave quicker turn-around on results and allowed greater exploration of "what if" situations. The seminar wargame allowed the Recon Fires aspects to be isolated from the broader operation and gave initial insights into the concept. It also provided the key data required to construct...
construction and operation of a tunnel and associated roads linking Ting Kau to Au Tau; to provide for the maintenance of the works within the area subject to the franchise, the payment of tolls to the franchise holder for the use of that area by motor vehicles and the regulation of vehicul...
“Operation: Mindcrime” all worked as singles as much as plot points thanks to their anthemic choruses. But in the context ofOperation: Mindcrime, the songs’ catchiness only adds drama to frontman Geoff Tate’s sort of convoluted, occasionally cringey storyline (just skip the prostitute ...
but about the outcomes of the influence of sea power on land: “Since men live upon the land and not upon the sea, great issues between nations at war have always been decided – except in the rarest cases – either by what your army can do against your enemy’s territory and national...
possible concern of the public on the safety of train operation, MTRCL has agreed to Government’s request to improve communication with the media. 至於有關通報的安排,雖然地鐵公司已就今次事故向運 輸署及鐵路視察組作出通報,鑑於事故對需要在奧運站下車 的乘客造成不便及可能...
For the record, our novel writing direction in all its forms derives not from the slapdash Internet dartboard (where you'll find a very poor ratio of good advice to bad), but solely from the time-tested works of great genre and literary authors as well as the advice of select profession...