A study of Chu Hsi's treatment of the concept of nature is valuable in several respects. First, it is exemplary of the concern for linguistic precision and clarification which Chu Hsi showed in assimilating and explaining the philosophies of the earlier classics and masters, on whom he was an...
TH、 语法填空Yin and yang, or yin-yang, is a complex relational concept in Chinese philosophy,date)back 3.000 years, to the 9th century BC. Briefly put, the meaning of yin and2 athe universe is governed by sets of two(oppose)and yang is interdependent principles or energies that can be...
2018. “Tian as Cosmos in Zhu Xi’s Neo-Confucianism.” Dao: A Journal of Comparative Philosophy 17.2: 169–185. Aristotle. 1983. Physics Books III and IV. Trans. with introduction and notes by Edward Hussey. Oxford: Clarendon Press. ___. 2022. On Generation and Corruption Book II: Int...
内容简介:Originally published in 1920 and based on the Tarner Lectures in the philosophy of science, this early work by Alfred North Whitehead made an important contribution to the development of philosophic naturalism. It also featured his assessment of the impact of Einstein's theories and the n...
我们可能会想,可以简单地重新定义 "审美判断",使它指的是任何将审美属性看做某一对象的谓语(is predicated of an object)的判断。但这需要我们不涉及它的直观可掌握性(immediately graspable),也要说出审美属性是什么。这一点似乎没有人做到。我们似乎可以简单地重新定义 "审美判断",使它指的是某些判断,在这些...
自然哲学研究的新构想 New Concept of the Research of Nature Philosophy,自然哲学研究的新构想 New Concept of the Research of Nature Philosophy,自然哲学研究..
1.anidea,espanabstractidea:theconceptsofbiology. 2.(Philosophy)philosophyageneralideaornotionthatcorrespondstosomeclassofentitiesandthatconsistsofthecharacteristicoressentialfeaturesoftheclass 3.(Philosophy)philosophy a.theconjunctionofallthecharacteristicfeaturesofsomething ...
s philosophy. It refers to a natural state of being, an attitude of following the way of nature. Laozi emphasized that everything in the world has its own way of being and development: birds fly in the sky, fish swim in the water, clouds float in the sky, flowers bloom “自然”是...
1. Match the mentalities of Zen thought in the left column with tea ceremonies in the right according to the information from the text. Zen thought Tea ceremony 1) let it be a) expressing gratitude for the tea and the gift of nature by cleansing the tea ware following...
. But its application went further, as impetus was also appealed to in attempts to explain the acceleration of falling bodies or the motion of the heavens. It was widely applied in Renaissance natural philosophy, but it also raised a number of ontological questions concerning its precise nature....