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The Concept of Intelligence Michael Hand Let me begin by drawing a basic distinction between ordinary and technical senses of words. By the ordinary sense of a word I mean the sense we learned on our mothers’ knees, the sense intended and understood by competent English speakers using the wor...
Psychometric studies have shown that "general intelligence" should be broken down into the ability to apply learned solutions to new problems (crystallized intelligence) and the ability to deal with novel intellectual problems (fluid intelligence). This distinction has been amplified upon by studies of...
There is ongoing fusion between human and artificial intelligence (AI) into so-called hybrid systems. A defining characteristic of hybrid systems is that the boundaries between AI and human decision-making fluctuate. For example, self-driving cars mostly offload driving to the AI, but in ...
(2007). Validité factorielle d’un questionnaire mesurant les théories implicites de l’intelligence (TIDI) [Validation study of the implicit theories of Intelligence Scale]. L’Encéphale: Revue de Psychiatrie Clinique Biologique et Thérapeutique, 33(4), 579–584. https://doi.org/10.1016/...
engineer of its sentience. This sentiment was, however, met with a lot of criticism by large chunks of the Artificial Intelligence (AI) community, and ultimately led to said engineer’s suspension.Footnote2As Alberto Delgado from the National University of Columbia comments on his twitter account...
AAAI is one of the top academic conferences in the field of Artificial Intelligence and is hosted by the Association for the Advance of Artificial Intelligence. This year’s AAAI conference was held from February 22 to March 1. More than 10...
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Widmer, G., & Kubat, M. (1992). Learning Flexible Concepts from Streams of Examples:FLORA2.Proceedings of the 10th European Conference on Artificial Intelligence(pp. 463–467). Chichester: Wiley & Sons. Google Scholar Widmer, G., & Kubat, M. (1993). Effective Learning in Dynamic Environme...
Keywords: Emotional Intelligence, Self Concept, Personality, AcademicAchievement. IntroductionEmotions are considered to be very powerful regulator of an individual‟s personality, similarly self concept also termed as a key role player in every field of life. In modern age of civilization human ...