Since 4th-year nursing students had many opportunities to experience both health and illness during training, they considered their own health deeply and simultaneously were concerned about a healthy lifestyle, and desired information about health. Deepening their own concept of health in connection ...
‘One flew over the psychiatric unit’: mental illness and the media Journal of Psychiatric & Mental Health NursingAnderson, M. (2003). 'One flew over the psychiatric unit': Mental illness and the media. Journal Of ... ANDERSON - 《Journal of Psychiatric & Mental Health Nursing》...
Core funding for the PGC is from the US National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH; U01 MH094421). Statistical analyses were carried out on the Genetic Cluster Computer ( hosted by SURFsara and financially supported by the Netherlands Scientific Organization (NWO ...
2352-0132 Original Article Caregiver burden: A concept analysis Zhu Liu a, Catrina Heffernan b, Jie Tan a, * a Department of Hepatobiliary Surgery, The People's Hospital of Deyang City, Deyang, Sichuan, China b Department of Nursing and Healthcare Sciences, Institute of Technology Tralee, ...
Caring Central to human expertise, to curing, and healing was extended (The Primacy of Caring: Stress and Coping in Health and Illness (Benner & Wrubel, 1989) It encompasses tending, playing, and learning, which can build trust, address patient needs, promote physical and spiritual well-being...
Health workers' ability to access these resources were investigated and factors facilitating or constraining access identified. Results: The study showed that lack of physical, human, cultural and financial capital constrained health workers' capacity to act. In particular, weak health infrastructure and...
In addition, patients were excluded if they had an unstable medical or neurological condition that increased the risk of participation (eg, dementia), if they were pregnant or nursing, or if they had started EX/RP within 8 weeks of enrollment. Trained clinicians determined eligibility during a ...
TheArtand Sciencewasselectedasthewinnerofthe2010TopTeachingToolsAwardintheprint categoryfromtheJournalofNursingEducation.Shehasservedathree-yeartermonthe NLN’sBoardofGovernors. Dr.CaputiisPresidentofLindaCaputi,Inc.,anursingeducationconsultingcompany, andhasworkedwithhundredsofnursingprogramsoverthelast20yearson...
Being given a life and a soul and having beliefs are the antecedents of spiritual health. The attributes of this concept include a morality-oriented intellectual connectedness with the self, others, and the universe guided by a connection with the Transcendent and Superior being in order to ...
Spiritual health has attracted a lot of attention in health-related and nursing sciences and numerous researches. Yet, this concept has remained complex and ambiguous, and there is no consensus in this regard. This ambiguity can be challenging for holistic nursing; therefore, clarification of the ...