Ecosystem functions and servicesThe concepts of green infrastructure and ecological structure (ES) are current topics of discussion among the scientific community and spatial planners. ES is mandatory in Portugal in land-planning, such as municipal master plans, but no consensus has been reached on ...
CONCEPTOFECOLOGYAND ECOSYSTEM ecology Alllivingorganism,whetherplantor animalorhumanbeingissurroundedby theenvironment,onwhichitderiveits needsforitssurvival. Eachlivingcomponentinteractswithnon –livingcomponentsfortheirbasic requirementsformdifferentecosystem. ...
14 Functional Biodiversity and the Concept of Ecological Function 299 ecosystem processes through delineating the particular contributions of organisms of different species to those processes (see discussion in Sect. 14.3.2 below). A particularity of the third mode of functional classification...
Functional Matrix: A Conceptual Framework for Predicting Multiple Plant Effects on Ecosystem Processes Plant species differ in how they influence many aspects of ecosystem structure and function, including soil characteristics, geomorphology, biogeochemistry... VT Eviner,Chapin III, F. Stuart - 《Annual ...
aIn 1935 vegetation ecologist A.G. Tansley introduced the term “ecosystem” as a “fundamental concept in ecology”. Tansley’s new concept represented a response to the debate about the structure and organisational form of units of vegetation in ecology. On one side of this debate was the ho...
Ecosystem engineers Organisms that shape their environment, including organisms that create or modify the environments of other organisms. Environment Surroundings; the complex of physical, chemical, and biotic factors acting upon a living system and influencing its form, function, and survival; the biop...
ecosystem(Chapin1993,Grime1998,Lavoreland Garnier2002,EvinerandChapin2003)ecologyhave forcedtheconceptoftraitbeyondtheseoriginal boundaries,andtrait-basedapproachesarenowused instudiesrangingfromtheleveloforganismstothatof ecosystems.Withineachdiscipline,diversetypesof ...
The concept of the structure of the platform ecosystem of the digital agro-industrial complex, involving the introduction of a regional digital platform, is presented. An algorithm and a methodological approach to assessing the effectiveness of the implementation and functioning of the digital platform ...
Individual benefits and losses of intervention It seems particularly important to try to answer the question—will any far-reaching human intervention in the functioning of the ecosystem in order to protect them from WAS, bring more benefits or losses? It is very difficult to answer such questions...
Fig. 3. Maps of nature's services related to fodder production according to different definitions: (a) ecosystem function: green biomass (tons/ha); (b) ecosystem services: agronomic value (unitless) obtained from a combination of different functions (green biomass, digestibility and phenology), ...