Is 'community' just a strategy of social, political or organisational control? Does it assume a particular discourse of political subjectivity, to do with the nature of subjects who exist in communities? We assess the extent to which the idea of community at work is fatally damaged by these ...
The concept of "a community of shared future for all humankind" can be traced to the essential connotation of China's five thousand years of civilization. The concept, embodying the Chinese people's hope for a harmonious world, is a creative development of the traditional spirit in the new ...
However, the notion is used in various contexts. It is sometimes perceived as a social construct, but at some other times as a virtual community or informal group sponsored by an organization for the purpose of making it easier to share knowledge or learn. Objectives: The main aims of the ...
In messages sent to the International Department of the CPC Central Committee, they said such moves have vividly embodied the idea of a community with a shared future for mankind. Antonio Ortega, secretary general of Costa Rica's Broad Front Party, expressed his deep gratitude for China's gener...
Caribbean lobsters also shun diseased members of their community,well before they become infectious. It takes about eight weeks for lobsters infected with the deadly virus Panulirus argus mininuceovirus to become dangerous to others. Normally social animals,lobsters begin keeping away from the diseased...
The Concept of Childhood in Western CountriesThe history of childhood has been a heated topic in social history since the highly influential book Centuries of Childhood’, written by French historia…
2、TheconceptoftheRosecontinuedtoinformthepoetswork. 玫瑰的概念持续贯穿于诗人的作品中。 3、TheEditortakesacavalierattitudetotheconceptoffactchecking. 《编辑》杂志对于核对事实这一点实行无所谓的态度。 4、Communityradioisaconceptwhichismuchmorelocalised. 社区广播是一个将服务深度局域化的概念。 5、Theirconcep...
1.D.词义猜测题.根据划线词所在的句子"The concept of sharing economy is rooted in our blood.Cooperative structures that include sharing,individual choices,and gifting are a basic part of any community.However, its being adopted as a business structure is relatively new,and the term "sharing econom...
The research was conducted in two stages. It was carried out in public middle schools ('gimnazjum') because the great majority of teenagers attend this type of school. The first stage of the research was limited to the community in the Warsaw district of Bielany, which is well known to ...
Social work provides an important service to society. Individuals and families in need of help are the focus of it, and are re ferred to as clients. Social workers help clients live a productive life in their own community. In order to reach this goal, they often enlist the assistance of...