Mean objects: extending the concept of central tendency to complex spatial objects - Goodchild, Cova, et al. - 1995Goodchild, M.F., Cova T.J., Ehlschlaeger, C.R. (1995): Mean Objects: Extending the Concept of Central Tendency to Complex Spatial Objects in GIS. In: Proceedings GIS...
the idea or meaning conveyed by a term. The construction of descriptive or explanatory concepts has a central role within any discipline. Given the absence of tightly articulated explanatory theories in sociology, what is usually referred to asSOCIOLOGICAL THEORYis made up of looser articulations of...
Concept learning, also known ascategory learning,concept attainment, andconcept formation, is defined by Bruner, Goodnow, & Austin (1967) as "the search for and listing of attributes that can be used to distinguish exemplars from non exemplars of various categories". [1 Rule-based] 按照描述性...
What are the four types of descriptive statistics? The four types of descriptive statistics are measures of frequency, measures of central tendency, measures of dispersion, and measures of position. Measures of frequency include the count, frequency, and relative frequency. Measures of central tenden...
Women reporting a greater tendency toward binge eating and dissociation during sexual activities with a partner displayed higher levels of cortisol in response to sexual stimuli. Impulsivity, which has been identified as a correlate of compensatory behaviors, increases sexual behaviors among women with ...
aThe concept of self-optimizing control which normally is based on steady state economics, 根据稳定经济通常自已优选控制的概念,[translate]
Self-Concept Focus: A Tendency to Perceive Autobiographical Events as Central to IdentitySelf-concept Focus is a 15-item measure of the disposition to make autobiographical memories central to one's self-concept and thus to rehearse them more frequently. In studies with 400 MTurk workers and 299...
My latest novel, Famous Last Words, takes the beats of a hostage situation but puts a female at its centre: a woman who is told her husband is caught up in a siege in central London, only to find out that he is the one who has taken three hostages and is holding a gun. He is ...
The concept of solitude (独处) in the digital world is almost non-existent. In the world of technology, e-mail, social networking and online video games, information is meant to be___. Solitude can be hard to discover___it has been given up. New technologies have___our culture. The ...
central after exposure to such life events. In addition, if a negative event has become central, it may reduce self-complexity by making aspects of self-knowledge associated with the event (e.g., “I am an assault victim”) highly accessible at the cost of other aspects of self-knowledge...